目的 了解齐齐哈尔地区新型冠状病毒奥密克戎变异株感染患者的流行病学特征,以期为防控策略的制定提供科学依据。方法 回顾性分析378例奥密克戎变异株感染病例,收集患者的基本信息、临床表现、基础疾病、疫苗接种情况等数据,并进行统计分析。结果 378例奥密克戎变异株感染中,确诊病例322例(85.19%),无症状感染56例(14.81%)。确诊病例中,轻型感染298例(92.55%),普通型18例(5.59%),重型6例(1.86%),无危重型。确诊病例中,男性患者占60.25%,女性占39.75%。无症状感染中,男性占41.07%,女性占58.93%,两组患者性别差异显著(P<0.05)。确诊患者中,<18岁占23.29%,18~30岁占19.88%,31~59岁占48.76%,≥60岁占8.07%;无症状感染中,<18岁占25%,18~30岁占17.86%,31~59岁占53.57%,≥60岁占3.57%,两组患者年龄差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在322例确诊病例中,咳嗽(57.14%)、发热(51.86%)、咽痛(41.93%)、流涕(35.09%)、乏力(27.02%)、肌肉酸痛(22.98%)为主要症状。部分患者出现腹泻(2.48%)、嗅觉/味觉丧失(1.55%)。多种症状并存情况常见,两种症状者占30.12%,三种症状者占18.01%。基础疾病方面,高血压(7.14%)、糖尿病(4.97%)、哮喘(3.42%)等占比较高,确诊病例与无症状感染患者差异无统计意义(P>0.05)。在378例奥密克戎变异株感染患者中,男性与女性住院时间差异显著(P<0.05),各年龄段住院时间差异无统计意义(P>0.05)。疫苗接种情况显示,接种2针和3针疫苗者占多数。不同年龄段患者的疫苗接种情况有所不同,<18岁组接种3针比例最高,≥60岁组未接种比例最高。结论 齐齐哈尔地区新型冠状病毒奥密克戎变异株感染患者主要为轻型感染,男性患者占比较高,患者年龄段主要为31~59岁。临床症状主要为咳嗽、发热,多合并高血压基础疾病,不同性别患者住院时间差异显著。
Objective The epidemiological characteristics of patients infected with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 were studied in Qiqihar area,in order to provide scientific basis for the formulation of prevention and control strategies.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 378 cases of Omicron variant infection.Data such as basic information,clinical manifestations,underlying diseases,and vaccination status of patients were collected and statistically analyzed.Results Among the 378 cases of Omicron variant infection,there were 322 confirmed cases(85.19%)and 56 asymptomatic infections(14.81%).Among the confirmed cases,there were 298 cases of mild infection(92.55%),18 cases of common type(5.59%),6 cases of severe type(1.86%),and no critically severe type.Among the confirmed cases,male patients accounted for 60.25%and female patients accounted for 39.75%.Among asymptomatic infections,males accounted for 41.07%and females accounted for 58.93%.There was a significant gender difference between the two groups of patients(P<0.05).Among the confirmed patients,those under 18 years old accounted for 23.29%,those aged 18-30 accounted for 19.88%,those aged 31-59 accounted for 48.76%,and those aged 60 and above accounted for 8.07%.Among asymptomatic infections,those under 18 years old accounted for 25%,those aged 18-30 accounted for 17.86%,those aged 31-59 accounted for 53.57%,and those aged 60 and above accounted for 3.57%.There was no significant age difference between the two groups of patients(P>0.05).Among the 322 confirmed cases,cough(57.14%),fever(51.86%),sore throat(41.93%),runny nose(35.09%),fatigue(27.02%),and muscle soreness(22.98%)were the main symptoms.Some patients had diarrhea(2.48%)and loss of smell/taste(1.55%).Thecoexistence of multiple symptoms was common.Those with two symptoms accounted for 30.12%,and those with threesymptoms accounted for 18.01%.In terms of underlying diseases,hypertension(7.14%),diabetes(4.97%),asthma(3.42%),etc.accounted for a relatively high proportion.There was no statistically significant difference betweenconfirmed cases and asymptomatic infected patients(P>0.05).Among the 378 patients infected with the Omicronvariant,there was a significant difference in hospitalization time between men and women(P<0.05),and there was nostatistically significant difference in hospitalization time among different age groups(P>0.05).The vaccination situationshowed that those vaccinated with two and three doses account for the majority.The vaccination situation of patients indifferent age groups was different.The proportion of those vaccinated with three doses was the highest in the group under18 years old,and the proportion of unvaccinated was the highest in the group aged 60 and above.Conclusion In Qiqihararea,patients infected with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 were mainly with mild infections.Male patientsaccounted for a relatively high proportion.The age group of patients was mainly 31-59 years old.The main clinicalsymptoms were cough and fever.Many were combined with underlying diseases such as hypertension.There was asignificant difference in hospitalization time between patients of different genders.
TANG Meilling;WANG Xinping;XU Chunmiao(Qiqihar Medical Unirersity,School of Nursing,Qiqihar 161000.Heilongjiang,China;The Third Affitiated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical University)
Journal of Pathogen Biology