

Simulation and Analysis of Factors Influencing Product Particle Size of Double Roll Kitchen Waste Crusher Based on Discrete Element Method
摘要 餐厨垃圾的处理包括对餐厨垃圾实施破碎、压榨、分选等操作,以实现固体破碎、固液分离、油水分离,进而达成无害化处理或资源回收利用目的。双刀辊破碎装置是实现餐厨垃圾固体破碎的高效设备之一,其作用是将大块物料粉碎成粒径细小且均匀的物料颗粒,以便于进行后续处理和存储运输。基于离散单元法,采用仿真软件EDEM的Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion和Tavares UFRJ Breakage接触模型,模拟了双辊转速分别为10、15、20、25、30 rad/s和物料颗粒初始半径分别为10、15、20、25、30 mm时破碎装置的工作情况。结果表明:刀辊转速和初始颗粒半径都对破碎装置的破碎效率及出料颗粒粒径分布具有显著影响;双辊转速越快,完成破碎作业所需时间越短但出料颗粒里小粒径占比会降低;入料半径15 mm时作业效率最高,而入料半径30 mm时出料颗粒里小粒径颗粒占比最高。 The treatment of kitchen waste includes operations such as crushing,extrusion,and sorting to achieve solid crushing,solid-liquid separation,oil-water separation,and ultimately achieve the purpose of harmless treatment or resource recycling.Double roller crusher is one of the efficient methods for solid crushing of kitchen waste.Its function is to crush large blocks of materials into small and uniform particles for subsequent treatment,storage,and transportation.Based on the discrete element method,this article uses the Edinburgh Elasto Plastic Adhesion and Tavares UFRJ Breakage contact model of EDEM to simulate the working conditions of the crushing device when the rotational speeds of the double rollers are 10 rad/s,15 rad/s,20 rad/s,25 rad/s,30 rad/s,and the initial radius of material particles are 10 mm,15 mm,20 mm,25 mm,and 30 mm respectively.The results show that both the roll speed and initial particle radius have a significant impact on the crushing efficiency of the crushing device and the particle size distribution of the discharge particles.The faster the double roller speed,the shorter the time required to complete the crushing operation,but the ratio of small particles in the discharge particles will decrease;When the feeding radius is 15 mm,it is most beneficial to shorten the operation time,while when the feeding radius is 30 mm,the ratio of small particle sizes is the highest.
作者 邴一鹏 陈旭东 刘润铎 刘炳阳 许育宏 陈少杰 林浩 温明富 Bing Yipeng;Chen Xudong;Liu Runduo;Liu Bingyang;Xu Yuhong;Chen Shaojie;Lin Hao;Wen Mingfu(College of Engineering,Shantou University,Shantou,Guangdong 515000,China;Guangdong Nanfan Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shantou,Guangdong 515065,China;Guangdong Nanfan Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shantou,Guangdong 515065,China)
出处 《机电工程技术》 2024年第10期172-176,共5页 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
基金 汕头市科学技术局“重大科技专项”(2021010101)。
关键词 餐厨垃圾处理 固体破碎 双辊破碎机 离散单元法 kitchen waste treatment solid crushing double roller crusher discrete element method
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