With the rapid development of the digital economy,there are also increasing cases of abuse of mar-ket dominance in the field of digital economy.Due to the characteristics of the digital economy that are different from those of the traditional economy,such as the characteristics of the two-sided market and the external effects of cross-network,the definition of the relevant market in cases of determining the abuse of market dominance by market entities has encountered some obstacles,and the application of the traditional relevant market definition method in this field is very over-stretched.Based on this,when defining relevant markets in the digital economy,it is essential to consider the characteristics of the digital economy while respecting market integrity.The approach should be guided by competition harm review and maintain the foundational status of the alterna-tive analysis method.It is necessary to seek a feasible direction for defining relevant markets in the digital economy by focusing on non-price factors in the alternative analysis.This will enable the appropriate regulation of monopolistic behaviors within the digital economy.
Qun Dai(Law School of Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun Jilin)
Open Journal of Legal Science
Relevant Markets
Abuse of Market Dominant Position
Alternative Analysis Methods