

The Impact of Anthropomorphism of Social Norm Signs on Customers Compliance Behavior in Service Scenarios
摘要 服务场景中越来越多的社会规范标识采用拟人化的表达方式。已有拟人化的研究更多关注产品或品牌拟人化,鲜有研究探讨社会规范标识拟人化及其效果问题。基于心理抗拒理论,本文探讨服务场景中社会规范标识拟人化对顾客遵守规范行为意愿的影响,以及心理抗拒感的中介效应和孤独感的调节效应。两个情境实验结果表明:标识拟人化相较于无拟人化能更有效地提高顾客遵守规范行为意愿,心理抗拒感起到中介作用。对高孤独感的顾客而言,标识拟人化更能显著降低心理抗拒感进而提高顾客遵守规范行为意愿;对低孤独感的顾客而言,标识是否拟人化对心理抗拒感、遵守规范行为意愿的影响无显著差异。研究结果丰富了社会规范标识和拟人化的相关研究,为服务组织的社会规范标识设计提供理论参考。 Based on the theory of psychological resistance,this paper explores the influence of anthropomorphism of social norm signs on customer compliance behavior in service scenarios,as well as the mediating effect of psychological resistance and the moderating effect of customers with different levels of loneliness.The study adopts the situational simulation experiment method to verify assumptions,finding that the anthropomorphism of social norm signs can more effectively guide customers to comply with normative behaviors than no anthropomorphism,psychological resistance plays a mediating role in this effect,and the level of customer loneliness plays a moderating role.The research proposes the concept of anthropomorphism of social norm signs,reveals the psychological mechanism and boundary conditions of the influence of personification of social norm signs on customers compliance with norms,enriches the related research on social norm signs and anthropomorphism,and provides design suggestions of social norm signs for service organizations.
作者 刘汝萍 郑爽 曹忠鹏 马钦海 Liu Ruping;Zheng Shuang;Cao Zhongpeng;Ma Qinhai(School of Business Administration,Northeastern University,Shenyang,110169;Economics and Management School,Wuhan University,Wuhan,430000)
出处 《珞珈管理评论》 2024年第6期75-91,共17页 Luojia Management Review
基金 国家社科基金面上项目“基本公共服务中人工智能服务的失败归因与补救策略研究”(项目批准号:22BGL256)。
关键词 社会规范标识拟人化 心理抗拒感 孤独感 遵守规范行为 Anthropomorphism of social norm signs Psychological resistance Loneliness Comply with normative behaviors
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