

Exploration on Path of Practical Education in Academic Library from the Perspective of the"Three Comprehensive Education"--Taking the Library of Huazhong University of Science and Technology of as an Example
摘要 近年来华中科技大学图书馆在引导学生参与图书馆管理方面进行了诸多有益尝试。文章分析了华中科技大学图书馆实践育人的路径及成效,并在此基础上提出了图书馆实践育人的三点建议:丰富工作内容,创新活动形式;建立规范,适度指导;优化激励机制,建立志愿服务可持续发展长效机制。 In recent years,the library of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has made many beneficial attempts to guide students to participate in library management.The article analyzes the path and effectiveness of practical education in the library of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,and proposes three suggestions for practical education in the library:enriching work content,innovating activity forms;Establish norms and provide moderate guidance;Optimize incentive mechanisms and establish a long-term mechanism for sustainable development of volunteer services.
作者 刘畅 洪瑾 郭茜 LIU Chang;HONG Jin;GUO Qian(Library of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430074)
出处 《科教导刊》 2024年第29期121-123,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 2022年华中科技大学图书馆一般项目“立德树人视角下高校图书馆实践育人的研究和探索”(2022-HUSTL-YB-02)。
关键词 实践育人 高校图书馆 学生馆员 志愿服务 practical education academic library student librarian volunteer service
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