

On the Remains of the Early Xia Dynasty China:Taking Yiluo Zhengzhou Area and the Southwestern Shanxi Area as Examples
摘要 “晚于龙山时代早于二里头文化时期”的夏时期遗存和二里头文化时期两个阶段的文化特征表征着考古学话语体系中的“夏时期”,而“晚于龙山时代早于二里头文化时期”可称作“夏代早期”。在伊洛河流域、颍汝河流域和晋西南地区,存在分属三里桥文化、煤山文化、王油坊文化等的夏代早期遗存。龙山时代至夏代早期,盘踞在晋西南地区的东关文化和继之而起分布于晋南豫西地区的三里桥文化通过黄河谷地持续向伊洛郑州地区渗透,三里桥文化向东影响到了河洛地区,对嵩山以南和以东地区的文化面貌产生了重要影响,推动夏代早期河洛地区复杂的文化局面的形成。主要分布于豫东、鲁西南和皖北的黄淮平原腹心地带的王油坊文化向西渗透到了伊洛河流域,与本地的土著遗存相结合。夏代早期,在伊洛河流域和颍汝河流域都发现有煤山文化遗存。目前虽不能对二里头文化的来源问题做更加清晰的推断,但考古材料显示,进入夏纪年之后,伊洛郑州地区的三里桥文化、王油坊文化和煤山文化曾一度延续了龙山时代犬牙交错、纷繁复杂的文化格局。囿于自证性文献史料的缺乏,属于“原史时期”的夏时期考古对于族群、历史事件等方面的研究仍存在很大空间,但可以肯定的是,考古学文化的演进、变迁过程及其呈现出的“传承、吸收、融合、创新”的“史实”与先民们的活动存在必然联系,为不断走近历史的真实提供了参照。 We use the relics of the Xia Period which is later than the Longshan Period but earlier than the Erlitou Culture Period and the cultural characteristics of the Erlitou culture period to represent the"Xia Period"in the archaeological discourse system.The period between"later than the Longshan period and earlier than the Erlitou culture period"could be called the"early Xia Dynasty".In this paper,the remains of the early Xia Dynasty belonging to Sanliqiao culture,Meishan Culture and Wang Youfang culture are identified in the Yiluo River basin,Yingruhe River basin and the southwest of Shanxi.It is pointed out that from Longshan Period to the early Xia Dynasty,Dongguan culture in the southwest of Shanxi and Sanliqiao culture in the south of Shanxi and the west of Henan continue to penetrate into the Yiluo and Zhengzhou area through the Yellow River Valley,and Sanliqiao culture affects Heluo area to the east and exerts an important influence on the cultural features of areas south and east of Songshan,which promoted the formation of the complex cultural situation in Heluo area in the early Xia Dynasty.The Wangyoufang culture,which was mainly distributed in the central region of the Huanghuai Plain in eastern Henan,the southwest of Shandong and the northern Anhui,penetrated west into the Yiluo River basin and combined with the local indigenous remains.In the early Xia Dynasty,remains of Meishan culture were found in the Yiluo River basin and the Yingru River basin.Although we cannot infer the origin of Erlitou culture more clearly,the current materials indicate that entering the Xia era,Sanliqiao culture,Wang Youfang culture and Meishan culture in Zhengzhou area of Yiluo once continued the intertwined and complicated cultural pattern of the Longshan era.Due to the lack of self-evidence documents,there is still a large gap in the study of ethnic groups and historical events in Xia Period archaeology,which belongs to the"protohistory",However,it is certain that the evolution of archaeological culture and the"historical facts"of"inheritance,absorption,integration and innovation"are inextricably linked with the activities of the ancestors,providing us with a reference for getting closer to the reality of history.
作者 段天璟 DUAN Tian-jing
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期19-49,231,232,共33页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大专项项目(2022JZDZ024)。
关键词 夏代早期 三里桥文化 王油坊文化 煤山文化 伊洛郑州 晋西南 the early Xia Dynasty Sanliqao culture Wangyoufang culture Meishan culture Yiluo Zhengzhou area the southwestern ShanxiArea
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