

A Study on the Image of Xianbei Zhihai,a State Preceptor of the Xixia,Depicted in Cave 29 at the Yulin Grottoes in Guazhou
摘要 结合西夏文献的记载,对瓜州榆林窟第29窟西夏真义国师鲜卑智海做了进一步考证。他曾是西夏仁宗后期著名国师,活跃于1189一1214年之间,官至功德司正、译主、座主,五寺提点,兼末品官阶“嘎西寿”,驻锡于西夏皇家寺院大度民寺。他是西夏佛教“显密圆融”特征的典型代表:一方面,他继承西夏国师鲜卑宝源承自辽代通理恒策这一法脉的圆宗教义,于西夏光定四年(1214)左右,组织翻译了中原经师对《华严经》的注疏,从而被元代西夏遗僧一行慧觉列为“大夏国弘扬华严诸师”中的首位,并冠以“大方广佛华严经中讲经律论重译诸经正趣净戒鲜卑真义国师”的名号;另一方面,他还是藏传佛教的信徒,身着右交领衫,头戴宁玛派的莲花冠,并作为国师多次主持具有藏传佛教特点的“烧施结坛,摄瓶诵咒,作广大供养”仪式。而榆林窟第29窟壁画描绘的就是乾祐二十四年(1193)由鲜卑智海主持、瓜州监军司通判赵祖玉为追荐仁宗而做的“广大法会”。 Combined with textual study of the records in the Tangut documents,this paper conducts further research on Xi-anbei Zhihai,a State Preceptor of the Xixia(Western Xia)dynasty named Zhen Yi,an illustration of whom is depicted in Cave 29 at the Yulin Grottoes in Guazhou.As a famous State Preceptor during the reign of Emperor Renzong,he was active between 1189-1214 in various official positions,including Gongdesi功德司(an administrator in a Buddhist monastery),master of trans-lation,Buddhist abbot,and the Tidian提点(a managerial position in the government responsible for various administrative and punitive tasks)of five government offices;he eventually earned the final official rank of"Gui xishou"裳西寿.In addition,he al-so preached Buddhist dharma in the royal temple of Dadumin Temple(Dadumin si大度民寺).Xianbei Zhihai is a typical repre-sentative of Buddhist thinkers of the time,who integrated both esoteric and exoteric characteristics of Xixia Buddhism.The con-tent of his beliefs was inherited from Xianbei Baoyuan鲜卑宝源,also a state preceptor of the Xixia,who in turn learnt theology from Tongli Hengce通理恒策,a famous Zen monk in the Liao dynasty.In the fourth year of the Guangding era(1214)of the Xixia,he organized a translation of the commentaries on the Avatamsaka Sutra by the Buddhist masters in the Central Plains,for which he was listed first among the"Avatamsaka masters in the Great State of Xixia"by Yixing Huijue一行慧觉,a famous Xixia monk of the later Yuan dynasty,and was given the title of"State Preceptor Xianbei Zhengyi who lectures on Buddhist sutras and Vinaya,and who retranslated the Avatamsaka Sutras".In addition to his activities in mainstream Chinese Buddhism,he was also an adherent of Tibetan Buddhism,wearing a cross-collared shirt with buttons on the right side and a lotus crown typical of the Nyingma School.As a State Preceptor,he presided over many ceremonies that involved"burning altars,reciting mantras with bottles in hand,and making extensive offerings",which are all characteristics of Tibetan Buddhist rituals.The murals in cave 29 at the Yulin Grottoes depict the event of the"general assembly"in the 24th year of the Qianyou era(1193),which Xianbei Zhihai presided over at the request of Zhao Zuyu,an official in Guazhou who wished to offer prayers for Emperor Renzong.
作者 孙伯君 SUN Bojun(Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102445)
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期31-39,共9页 Dunhuang Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“敦煌河西石窟多语言壁题考古资料抢救性调查整理与研究”(22&ZD219) 国家社科基金“基于人才培养传承的民族文献语言学学科建设研究”(22VRC083)。
关键词 榆林窟 鲜卑智海 敦煌学 西夏学 Yulin Grottoes Xianbei Zhihai Dunhuang Studies Xixia Studies
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