Marx's interpretation of the levels and sequence of history reveals the analytical logic of historical materialism,which can be summarized in five key points.First,the continuation of life is the primary premise of all history,determining that the production of material life forms the unified foundation of human history.Second,while material life is indispensable,its forms and content evolve with changing historical conditions,reflecting the dialectical relationship between unity and diversity.Third,this dialectical relationship suggests that by examining the most advanced and complex modes of historical production,particularly in capitalist society,we can uncover the structural and relational dynamics underlying all historical social forms.Capital,as the driving force of bourgeois society,thus becomes a crucial key to understanding historical laws.Fourth,capital profoundly shapes social relations,state structures,and world history.While advancing productive forces,it simultaneously lays the groundwork for its own dissolution,preparing the conditions for proletarian revolution and the emergence of new social formations.Fifth,although capital plays a pivotal role in historical interpretation,it cannot replace the intrinsic mechanisms and dialectical laws of historical development.History is open-ended,characterized by a dynamic interplay of contradictions,producing the potential for new social and civilizational forms.These five levels are progressive and interconnected,forming a cohesive,flexible analytical framework of historical materialism,which provides robust methodological guidance for interpreting and narrating history.
LIN Jin-long(School of Marxism,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Kellogg College,University of Oxford,Oxford OX12JD,UK)
Inner Mongolia Social Sciences