

Effect of Sintering Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Aluminum Alloy Used for Oil Well Pipes
摘要 目的 研究不同烧结温度对油井管用铝合金材料组织结构与力学性能和电化学腐蚀性能的影响规律。方法 考虑到不同的油井管用铝合金成分配比,采用粉末冶金方法制备了不同烧结温度(500、550、600℃)下的油井管用铝合金。利用多功能电子密度测试仪测定铝合金密度,利用X射线衍射分析仪(XRD)、金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、液压伺服驱动控制万能试验机、扫描电化学显微镜(SECM)研究了不同烧结温度对铝合金组织结构、力学性能和电化学腐蚀性能的影响。结果 随着烧结温度的升高,铝合金致密度呈先上升后下降的趋势,当烧结温度为550℃时达最大(91.11%),增强相以Al_(2)Cu相为主,分散均匀,晶粒细小;铝合金硬度呈逐渐上升趋势,抗压强度为先增大后减小,电化学腐蚀性能为先上升后下降。结论当烧结温度为550℃时,铝合金材料综合性能最佳,其硬度、抗压强度、自腐蚀电位、自腐蚀电流密度分别为48.63HV0.3、663.09 MPa、-0.686 V和5.445×10^(-6) A/cm^(2),腐蚀速率为0.185 mm/a。 Powder metallurgy technology is simple and easy to achieve mass produce,meanwhile,it can significantly reduce the material preparation temperature,thus reducing interfacial reactions,and improving interfacial bonding stability.The use of powder metallurgy technology to prepare high-performance aluminum alloy materials for oil well pipes is of great significance for promoting the development of the oil and gas field industry.The influence of different sintering temperature on the microstructure,mechanical properties,and electrochemical corrosion performance of aluminum alloy materials for oil well pipes is investigated.The metal powder was weighed according to the experimental ratio and then poured into a ball milling tank.The vacuum was extracted with a vacuum pump and then mixed in an omnidirectional planetary grinder for 6 hours(at 300 r/min).The evenly mixed metal powder was pressed into green billets with an SHT4605 hydraulic servo drive control universal testing machine with a diameter of 25 mm at 300 MPa for 3 min.The formed billet was placed into a vacuum sintering furnace for sintering(at 500,550,and 600℃,for 60 min at a heating rate of 10℃/min),with a sintering vacuum degree of 10 Pa.Finally,the furnace was cooled to obtain aluminum alloy samples.The aluminum alloy sample was cut with a metal wire.The cross section of the sample was polished and corroded by Keller reagent.The microstructure of the aluminum alloy was observed under a research level upright metallographic microscope of ZEISS SCOPE A(AXIO)1.The density was measured with an ET-120HM multifunctional electron density tester and the phase structure was analyzed with a DX-2700 X-ray diffraction analyzer.The microstructure and elemental composition were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscope(EVO MA15)with energy dispersive spectroscopy.The microhardness was measured by HVS-1000 microhardness tester and compressive strength was tested by SHT4605 hydraulic servo driven universal testing machine.The electrochemical corrosion performance of aluminum alloy in 3.5%NaCl solution was studied by measuring the alternating current impedance(EIS),potentiodynamic polarization curve(Tafel),and micro corrosion current with a CHI900C scanning electrochemical microscope.The aluminum alloy for oil well pipes with excellent performance was successfully prepared by powder metallurgy technology.The aluminum alloy has the highest density(91.11%)when the sintering temperature is 550℃.The main reinforcing phase is Al_(2)Cu,which is uniformly dispersed and has small grains.At this temperature,it has the best comprehensive performance,with the hardness,compressive strength,self-corrosion potential and self-corrosion current of 48.63HV0.3,663.09 MPa,-0.686 V,and 5.445×10^(-6) A/cm^(2),respectively.The corrosion rate is 0.185 mm/a.At the optimal sintering temperature,an excellent reinforcing phase structure can be formed.The distribution of Al_(2)Cu reinforcement phase to a certain extent determines the properties of aluminum alloy.The dense structure,uniform distribution of reinforcement phase,and small and few pores can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy.
作者 刘婉颖 李小鹏 林元华 张智 刘文超 侯鑫鑫 林泽洋 LIU Wanying;LI Xiaopeng;LIN Yuanhua;ZHANG Zhi;LIU Wenchao;HOU Xinxin;LIN Zeyang(School of New Energy and Materials,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China)
出处 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第22期62-71,共10页 Surface Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U22A20164) 西南石油大学“启航计划”项目(2021QHZ013) 油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室(西南石油大学)开放基金(PLN2022-44) 2022年度材料腐蚀与防护四川省重点实验室开放基金(2022CL05)。
关键词 烧结温度 铝合金 组织 力学性能 耐蚀性能 sintering temperature aluminum alloy microstructure mechanical properties corrosion resistance
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