

Exploration and Practice on“6-Wide”Production Practice Teaching Mode of New Agricultural Science Aquaculture Majors
摘要 实践教育是新农科建设中人才培养的重要环节也是深入实施耕读教育的重要切入点。立足新农科人才培养的现实需求,从水产类专业培养高素质应用型人才的实际需要出发,结合新农科教育中实践教学环节思政育人理念的树立、新农科专业教育中生产实习教学模式改革的必然,综合分析当前水产类专业实践教学对培养知水乐水爱水人才的迫切渴望与更高要求。聚焦水产类专业生产实习改革主要存在的教师队伍、校外基地与实践教学改革创新等难点痛点,提出了解决问题所需把握的“三性三化”改革原则(即综合性、创新性、主动性,个性化、同理化、协同化),“一核两径三主体”改革思路(即开展课程思政这一育人核心,发挥实践育人之效能,明确产教科教、亦耕亦读实践路径,提升专业实践素养之技能,健全实践课程资源、创新实践教学方式、完善实践基地平台),通过多年实践,探索形成讲思政、讲情怀、有技术、有方略、能创新、得成效的“六全”协同教学模式,为构建适用于地方高校的新农科水产类专业生产实习教学新模式提供理论参考和实践价值。 Practice education plays a pivotal role in developing“new agricultural science”and is a fundamental approach to implementing farming and reading education.Based on the practical needs of the cultivation of new agricultural talents,this paper starts from the practical needs of Aquaculture majors to cultivate high-quality applied talents.It combines establishing an ideological and political education concept within practice teaching in new agricultural science education and necessary reforms in production practice teaching methods for professional education in new agricultural science.The urgent need and higher expectations for Aquaculture practice teaching are comprehensively analyzed,aiming to cultivate talents who possess knowledge about water,appreciate water,and have a passion for water.By focusing on challenges and key points related to production practice reform in Aquaculture majors(such as teachers'roles,off-campus bases,and innovation in practice teaching),this paper proposes the reform principle of“three characteristics and three transformations”(comprehensiveness,innovation,initiative,personalization,empathy,and collaboration)as well as the reform idea of“one core,two paths,and three subjects”(to carry out the core of ideological and political education in the curriculum,to give full play to the effectiveness of practice education,to clarify the practice path of production,education,science and education,and farming and reading,to improve the skills of professional practical literacy,to improve the practical curriculum resources,to innovate the practical teaching methods,and to improve the practice base platform).Through years of practice,we have explored the formation of a“six-wide”collaborative teaching mode that emphasizes ideological and political education,feelings,technology,strategy,innovation,and effectiveness;and provides theoretical reference and practical value for the construction of Aquaculture major professional production practice teaching mode of new agricultural science suitable for local colleges and universities.
作者 韩雨哲 于旭蓉 王伟 邢彬彬 姜玉声 叶仕根 Han Yuzhe;Yu Xurong;Wang Wei;Xing Binbin;Jiang Yusheng;Ye Shigen(Dalian Ocean University,Dalian 116023,Liaoning,China)
机构地区 大连海洋大学
出处 《高等农业教育》 2024年第3期80-88,共9页 Higher Agricultural Education
基金 2022年度辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目:蓝色渔业产业学院建设研究与实践 教育部新农科研究与改革实践项目:多融共通,特色引领,构建现代渔业产教协同育人体系 一主两翼三融合,涉海农科多样化人才培养模式的创新实践。
关键词 新农科 水产类专业 实践教学 生产实习教学模式 new agricultural science Aquaculture majors practice teaching production practice teaching mode
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