

On the Abolition of the Crime of Assisting in Information Network Criminal Activities within the Framework of Minor Offense Governance
摘要 帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪自设立以来数量急剧增长,适用范围不断扩张,与轻罪治理的主旨存在出入。其背后蕴含着实践中对帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪主客观构成要件认定过分松弛、甚至存在对主客观相统一原则的突破或规避等原因。这不仅无法实现精准打击、源头治理的目的,更有可能使帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪成为司法趋利的工具,无疑是对该罪设立初衷的严重偏离。对此,学界提出各种缩限帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪适用的路径,然而无论是独立构罪说、共犯正犯化说还是并存说,均无法在承认该罪独立属性的同时为其提供稳固基础。相较之下,量刑规则说对帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪共犯从属性质的承认为限缩该罪适用提供合理的解决思路。但量刑规则说并非一条通途,在理论和现实功利的双重挑战面前,最终走向末路。为了更好地实现轻罪治理,废除帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪是较合适的选择。 The situation that the crime of assisting in information network criminal activities has been through a sharp increase in quantity and continuous expansion in application scope since its establishment is at variance with the purport of governance of minor crimes.Behind this situation lies the problem of overly lax identification of the subjective and objective constitutive requirements of the crime in practice,and it has even become a breakthrough or evasion of the principle of unifying the subjective and objective.This not only fails to achieve the purpose of precise strike and source governance,but is more likely to make the crime of assisting in information network criminal activities a tool for judicial profit-seeking,undoubtedly representing a serious deviation from the original intention of establishing this crime.In response,the academic circle has proposed various paths to restrict the application of the crime of assisting in information network criminal activities.However,neither the theory of independent crime constitution,the theory of criminalizing the accomplice as the principal offender,nor the theory of coexistence can provide a solid foundation while acknowledging its independent attribute.By contrast,the theory of sentencing rules,which recognizes the subordinate nature of the accomplice in the crime of assisting in information network criminal activities,offers a reasonable solution for restricting the application of this crime.But the theory of sentencing rules is not a smooth path.Facing the dual challenges of theory and practical utilitarianism,it ultimately comes to an end.To better achieve the governance of minor crimes,abolishing the crime of assisting in information network criminal activities is a more appropriate choice.
作者 罗翔 左倩玉 LUO Xiang;ZUO Qianyu
出处 《上海政法学院学报(法治论丛)》 2024年第6期30-47,共18页 Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science & Law(The Rule of Law Forum)
基金 2023年度国家社会科学基金项目“刑法与道德”的阶段性研究成果,项目编号:23VTS010。
关键词 帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪 结果偏离 限缩路径 量刑规则说 crime of assisting in information network criminal activities deviation of outcomes restriction path sentencing rule theory
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