为了解湖南省某退役铀矿山周围居民日常膳食中放射性核素的分布水平及变动趋势,在2019—2023年间,对居民常食的四类(大米、茶叶、肉类、蔬菜)食品中的放射性核素进行分析,同时估算了食品中放射性核素所致居民年待积有效剂量的水平。采用伽玛能谱分析法,对食品中的天然放射性核素(^(238)U、^(232)Th、^(226)Ra、^(40)K)和人工放射性核素(^(137)Cs)进行分析。食品中放射性核素的含量均在《食品中放射性物质限值浓度标准》(GB 14882—1994)标准范围内,铀矿山周围居民因食入所致的待积有效剂量为172.7μSv/a。退役铀矿山周围的居民4类食品中放射性核素含量水平及其所致居民的待积有效剂量,均处在天然本底水平;铀矿山周围居民食入这些食物,不会给其带来辐射相关的健康风险。
In order to understand the distribution levels and changing trends of radionuclides in foods commonly eaten by residents around a decommissioned uranium mine in Hunan Province,radionuclides in four categories of foods(rice,tea,meat,vegetables)commonly eaten by residents were analyzed from 2019 to 2023.Radionuclides were analyzed and the level of annual accumulated effective dose to residents caused by radionuclides in food was estimated.Gamma energy spectroscopy is used to analyze natural radionuclides(^(238)U,^(232)Th,^(226)Ra,^(40)K)and artificial radionuclides(^(137)Cs)in food.The contents of radionuclides in food are all within the standard range of the"Standard for Concentration Limit of Radioactive Substances in Food"(GB 14880—1994).The annual accumulated effective dose due to ingestion by residents around uranium mines is 172.7μSv.The levels of radionuclides in the four types of food for residents around decommissioned uranium mines and the resulting annual accumulated effective doses for residents are all at natural background levels;residents around uranium mines will not get any harm if they eat these foods.
ZHU Guozhen;XU Zhiyong(Hunan Prevention and Treatment Institute for Occupational Disease,Changsha 410000)
Radiation Protection Bulletin