

The Significance and Challenges of Achieving “Dual Carbon” Goals
摘要 本文系统地论述了习近平总书记提出的实现“双碳”目标的重大意义。“双碳”目标的提出既是为了响应联合国政府间组织“拯救地球大气环境”的倡议,也是我国高质量发展的内在需要。通过实现“双碳”目标,既可使国家实现以新能源为主体的电力系统转型和能源自给,又可改变国人生态文明观念,从任意消费自然,变为尊重自然、顺应自然和保护自然。但是实现“双碳”目标绝非易事,要实行“双轮驱动”“一个合作”战略,即能源供给侧和消费侧的技术革命、体制和机制的创新和国际合作。本文总结了我国在能源供给侧和消费侧的主要技术升级的同时,也提出了尚需攻克的若干难题,特别提到体制与机制创新的不易。最后本文指出,在实现“双碳”目标的过程中,我们每个人既是“变革”的主力军,又是“变革”旧观念、旧习惯的对象,无一不在其中。 This paper systematically discusses the significant importance of achieving the“dual carbon”goals proposed by General Secretary XI Jinping,which is not only a response to the initiative of the United Nations Intergovernmental Organization to“Save the Earth's Atmospheric Environment”but also an inherent need for China's high-quality development.By achieving the“dual carbon”goals,China can not only realize the transformation of its power system with new energy as the mainstay and achieve energy self-sufficiency but also change the Chinese people's concept of ecological civilization,shifting from arbitrary consumption of nature to respecting,adapting to,and protecting nature.However,achieving the“dual carbon”goals is no easy task which need to implement the strategy“dual-wheel drive”and“one cooperation”,which refer to technological revolutions on both the energy supply and consumption sides,institutional and mechanistic innovations,and international cooperation.While summarizing the fruitful achievements of the the major technological upgrades on the energy supply side and consumption side over the years,several challenges that remain to be overcome,particularly the difficulty of institutional and mechanism innovations also raised in the paper.Finally,the paper points out that in the process of achieving the“dual carbon”goals,each one of us is not only a main force driving the“transformation”but also an object of changing outdated concepts and habits,with no one being left out.
作者 于俊崇 梁禹 YU Junchong;LIANG Yu(Nuclear Power Institute of China,Chengdu of Sichuan Prov.610213,China)
出处 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期723-729,共7页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 双碳 新能源 核安全 Dual carbon New energy Nuclear safety
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