

Emergency UAV deployment optimization in an integrated air-ground network with joint communication and localization service
摘要 为探索复用一架无人机(UAV,unmanned aerial vehicle)同时用作空中基站和锚点辅助地面网络,构建空地协同通信定位一体化的新型应急网络方案。研究聚焦于网络中无人机位置部署优化问题,重点解决一体化部署中通信与定位性能的冲突难题。首先使用D-最优准则替代传统的克拉美劳下界(CRLB,Cramer-Rao lower bound)作为定位精度指标,建模了多用户定位精度和通信速率约束下最大化网络吞吐量的无人机三维部署优化问题。推导了满足地面用户定位精度约束条件的无人机可部署区域的闭合表达式,证明了该区域是以目标用户为顶点的标准二阶锥,从而将定位精度约束条件转化为易于分析处理的凸约束条件,并提出了高效的无人机三维部署优化方法。进而利用城市三维地图辅助无人机部署,解决了空地信道建模不精准导致的通信与定位性能保障差的问题。所提无人机部署方法在理论上便于求解最优部署位置,并且在空间上具有直观的几何特性,适合在应急场景下快速部署空地协同网络,精准保障满足地面用户的通信与定位性能需求。 To exploite reusing a single unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)to simultaneously act as an aerial base station and anchor point to assist the terrestrial emergency network,a novel integrated air-ground emergency support network was built with joint communication and localization service.The UAV position deployment optimization problem in the inte‐grated network was studied,with a focus on resolving the fundamental and conflicting impacts of UAV deployment to the communication and localization performance.Firstly,a D-optimality based localization accuracy metric was adopted to re‐place the conventional Cramer-Rao lower bound(CRLB),and a UAV deployment optimization problem that maximizes the network throughput was formulated under individual localization accuracy and communication rate constraints.The closed-form expression of feasible deployment region of a UAV was derived that could satisfy the localization accuracy require‐ments of ground user,which was shown to be a second-order cone with the target user being the vertex,and proposed effi‐cient deployment algorithm accordingly.Then,a 3D city map assisted deployment scheme was proposed to address the inac‐curate air-ground channel modeling problems.The proposed deployment method is analytically tractable for deriving the optimal deployment solution,and has intuitive geometric structure to facilitate fast and performance-guaranteed deployment of integrated air-ground networks to satisfy the communication and localization performance requirements of ground users.
作者 毕宿志 BI Suzhi(College of Electronics and Information Engineering,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)
出处 《物联网学报》 2024年第3期1-15,共15页 Chinese Journal on Internet of Things
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.62271325) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目(No.2022A1515010973) 深圳市科技创新委稳定支持重点基金项目(No.20220810142637001)。
关键词 无人机 通信定位一体化 应急网络 部署优化 unmanned aerial vehicle integrated communication and localization emergency network deployment optimization
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