

The network characteristics of urban agglomerations from the perspective of multiflow:A case study of 19 urban agglomerations in China
摘要 城市群协调发展是区域经济高质量发展的必然要求。从多元流视角探究中国城市群网络特征,对促进我国城市群协调发展具有重要意义。文章基于信息搜索指数、列车班次数据和百度迁徙指数,构建城市群信息、交通和人口网络,运用社会网络分析方法,分析中国19个城市群空间网络联系特征。研究发现:(1)从城市网络的规模特征来看,不同要素流下,19个城市群的网络规模排序差异不大,经济发展水平高的城市群网络规模越高。(2)城市群的要素联系具有层级性和差异性。信息网络以强联系为主,交通和人口以中等和弱强度的联系为主。空间格局上,信息网络呈现“钻石”型的空间格局,交通网络和人口网络的空间格局相似,呈现“两横三纵”格局。(3)从组团特征来看,城市群间信息联系最为紧密,交通联系和人口联系次之。地理邻近性对不同要素网络的影响程度不同,整体呈现人口网络>交通网络>信息网络的规律。(4)利用网络指标将识别出的城市群类型分为辐射型、虹吸型、平衡型和边缘型4种。在不同要素网络中,城市群的类型呈现出异质性特征。在信息网络中,东中西部城市群的网络特征明显,呈现出“东部城市群辐射型为主,西部城市虹吸型为主”的态势。 The coordinated development of urban agglomerations is an essential requirement for achie-ving high-quality regional economic growth.Examining the network characteristics of Chinese urban agglomerations from a multi-dimensional perspective holds significant importance in advancing the co-ordinated development of these agglomerations.This article establishes urban agglomeration informa-tion,transportation,and population networks based on data from information search indices,train schedules,and Baidu migration indices.By employing social network analysis methods,the spatial network connectivity characteristics of 19 urban agglomerations in China are examined.The research findings are as follows:①Scale Characteristics:The ranking of network sizes among the 19 urban ag-glomerations does not vary significantly across different factor flows.Higher levels of economic devel-opment correspond to larger network sizes of urban agglomerations.②Element Connections:Urban agglomerations exhibit hierarchical and differential characteristics in their information,transportation,and population networks.The information network is primarily characterized by strong connections,while the transportation and population networks are mainly characterized by moderate to weak connec-tions.Spatially,the information network displays a“diamond”shaped pattern,while the transporta-tion and population networks exhibit a“two horizontal and three vertical”pattern.③Cluster Charac-teristics:Information connections between urban agglomerations are the closest,followed by transpor-tation and population connections.The impact of geographical proximity on different element networks varies,with the overall pattern showing a higher impact on the population network followed by the transportation network and then the information network.④Urban Agglomeration Types:Utilizing net-work indicators,the identified types of urban agglomerations are classified into four categories:radia-tive,siphon,balanced,and peripheral.These types demonstrate heterogeneous characteristics across different element networks.In the information network,the urban agglomerations in the eastern,cen-tral,and western regions exhibit distinct network characteristics,with a trend of“radiation type domi-nance by eastern urban agglomerations and siphon type dominance by western cities”.
作者 施雅婷 许倩妮 雷镇洋 赵冠伟 SHI Ya-ting;XU Qian-ni;LEI Zhen-yang;ZHAO Guan-wei(School of Geography and Remote Sensing,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第5期85-94,共10页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2024年度大湾区研究专项资助项目(GD24DWQGL04) 广东省大学生创新训练资助项目(S202311078030)。
关键词 多元流 城市网络 社会网络分析 城市群 multiflow city network social network analysis Urban agglomeration
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