

Effects of Exogenous Bioactive Substances on Fruit Quality of‘Black Monukka’Grape
摘要 研究外源生物活性物质对‘无核紫’葡萄果实品质的影响,为新疆鲜食葡萄优质果品生产和果实品质调控技术研发提供参考依据。以‘无核紫’葡萄为试材,在果实膨大期至转色期,分别采用二氢卟吩铁、壳聚糖、油菜素内酯、γ-氨基丁酸和植物源酵素营养液5种生物活性物质进行果面喷施处理,以清水处理作为对照(CK),并于果实成熟期对穗重、粒重、可溶性固形物、硬度、耐拉力、色差及裂果率等果实品质指标进行测定。结果表明,植物源酵素营养液处理下‘无核紫’葡萄的穗重、穗长、穗宽、粒重均高于CK,分别达到968.42 g、25.82 cm、15.83 cm、4.49 g,且差异达到了显著水平。油菜素内脂、植物源酵素营养液处理下‘无核紫’葡萄的可溶性固形物含量明显提高,分别较CK提高12.30%、19.14%。植物源酵素营养液处理有利于‘无核紫’葡萄色泽形成和裂果率的降低,植物源酵素营养液处理下‘无核紫’葡萄的裂果率最低,浸泡24 h后的裂果率为20.00%,与CK相比降低了77.77%。在果实膨大期至转色期,采用植物源酵素营养液进行果面喷施处理,有助于‘无核紫’葡萄果实品质提高。 The paper aims to study the effects of exogenous bioactive substances on the fruit quality of‘Black Monukka’grape,and to provide a reference basis for the production of high-quality fruit of Xinjiang table grapes and the research and development of fruit quality control technology.Taking‘Black Monukka’as the test material,five kinds of bioactive substances,including iron dihydroporphyrin,chitosan,rape lactone,gamma-aminobutyric acid and plant source enzyme nutrient solution,were used for fruit surface spraying process from the fruit expansion period to color-turning period,with water treatment as a control(CK),and determine the quality indicators,such as spike weight,grain weight,soluble solids,hardness,tensile,chromatism and dehiscent fruit rate,etc,during the fruit ripening period.The results showed that the spike weight,spike length,spike width and grain weight of‘Black Monukka’grape under the treatment of plant source enzyme nutrient solution were higher than those of CK,reaching 968.42 g,25.82 cm,15.83 cm and 4.49 g,respectively,and the differences among them reached a significant level.The soluble solids content of‘Black Monukka’grape was significantly increased by 12.30%and 19.14%compared with CK under the treatment of rape lactone and plant source enzyme nutrient solution,respectively.Plant source enzyme nutrient solution was beneficial to the color formation and reduction of fruit cracking rate of‘Black Monukka’grapes.‘Black Monukka’grapes under the treatment of plant source enzyme nutrient solution had the lowest fruit cracking rate of 20.00%after 24 h of immersion,which was reduced by 77.77%compared with that of CK.The fruit surface spraying treatment with plant derived enzyme nutrient solution from the fruit expansion stage to the color change stage could help to improve the quality of‘Black Monukka’grapes.
作者 周雪薇 王敏 邢燕丽 麦合木提·图如普 韩守安 艾尔买克·才卡斯木 潘明启 张雯 ZHOU Xuewei;WANG Min;XING Yanli;TURUP Mahmood;HAN Shou’an;CAIKASIMU Aiermaike;PAN Mingqi;ZHANG Wen(Institute of Horticultural Crops,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Horticulture Crop Genomics Research and Genetic Improvement in Xinjiang/Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Pomology(Xinjiang),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Xinjiang Engineering Technology Research Center for Crop Chemical Control,Urumqi 830091)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2024年第31期36-43,共8页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-29-ZP-08) 新疆维吾尔自治区天山创新团队计划“新疆葡萄品质调控及优质高效生产技术研发创新团队”(2022D14014) 新疆维吾尔自治区野外观测研究站“新疆乌鲁木齐北疆葡萄种质资源与果园生态新疆野外科学观测研究站”(XJYWZ2307) 自治区重点研发计划项目“葡萄新种质创制及配套栽培技术研究”(2022B02045-2) 国家自然基金“不同裂果特性葡萄品种细胞壁及活性氧代谢影响裂果形成机制研究”(3226180278)。
关键词 葡萄 生物活性物质 品质 可溶性固形物 植物源酵素营养液 Vitis vinifera bioactive substance quality soluble solids plant source enzyme nutrient solution
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