

The Practical Exploration and Inspiration of the Communist Party of China's Discipline Construction During the Xiangshan Period
摘要 香山时期不仅是中国共产党领导解放战争走向全国最后胜利、筹备召开新政协和建立新中国的关键历史时期,还是中国共产党开始由局部执政走向全国执政,以及工作重心从农村转向城市的重大历史转折时期,因而在党的历史和中国革命史上具有十分特殊的历史地位。在这一时期,中国共产党全面强化党的政治纪律,保证了城市接管政策的贯彻落实;突出党的组织纪律,增强全党全军的纪律性;重视党的群众纪律,增强党同人民群众的血肉联系;加强党的工作纪律,形成良好的工作作风;严格党的生活纪律,尽快融入城市新生活,为夺取新民主主义革命胜利提供了坚强的纪律支撑和保障。全面梳理总结香山时期党的纪律建设的主要实践活动及经验,可以为新时代深化党的纪律建设、全面从严治党提供重要借鉴和启示。 The Xiangshan period was not only a crucial historical period when the Communist Party of China led the liberation war to the final victory nationwide,prepared for the convening of the new political consultative conference,and established the new China,but also a significant turning point in history when the CPC began the transition from partial to nationwide governance and shifted its work focus from rural to urban areas.Therefore,it holds a very special historical position in the history of the Party and the Chinese revolution.During this period,the CPC comprehensively strengthened its political discipline to ensure the implementation of policies for taking over cities,emphasized organizational discipline to enhance the discipline of the entire Party and army,valued mass discipline to strengthen the flesh-and-blood ties between the Party and the people,strengthened work discipline to foster good work styles,and strictly enforced life discipline to integrate into the new urban life as soon as possible.These efforts provided strong disciplinary support and guarantees for the victory of the new democratic revolution.A comprehensive review and summary of the main practical activities and experiences of the Party's discipline construction during the Xiangshan period can provide important references and insights for deepening the Party's discipline construction and comprehensively strengthening Party discipline in the new era.
作者 黄小钫 谭俊 HUANG Xiaofang;TAN Jun(Institute of CPC History and Party Building,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《武陵学刊》 2024年第6期57-65,共9页 Journal of Wuling
基金 北京市宣传思想文化青年英才项目“香山时期中国共产党纪律建设的经验与启示研究”。
关键词 香山时期 中国共产党 纪律建设 the Xiangshan Period the Communist Party of China discipline construction
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