

Develop the Silver Economy to Promote Chinese-style Modernization:Interdisciplinary Experts’Conversation on“Achieving High-quality Development of Silver Economy”
摘要 2024年1月《国务院办公厅关于发展银发经济增进老年人福祉的意见》印发,这是国家层面首次出台以“银发经济”为主题的专项政策,成为新时代推动银发经济发展的纲领性文件。2024年7月党的二十届三中全会强调“发展银发经济,创造适合老年人的多样化、个性化就业岗位”,为实现银发经济高质量发展指明了基础性方向。在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程中,人口少子化、老龄化和区域人口增减分化等人口发展新形势相交织,发展方式转变、经济结构优化和增长动力转换等经济发展新要求相叠加,推动银发经济高质量发展成为统筹人口新形势和经济新要求的时代课题,这决定了银发经济不仅涉及人口发展领域,更涉及经济发展领域,需要从跨学科视角进行全面解读。有鉴于此,《人口与经济》特别约请我国银发经济学术、政策和实践研究领域的专家学者,就“实现银发经济高质量发展”议题展开跨学科研讨,准确把握大力发展银发经济的环境基础和资源禀赋,科学认识银发经济的概念、特点和规模,旨在以银发经济为牵引不断深化经济领域的适老化改革,及时出台助推银发经济高质量发展的产业政策,全方位更新和扩展对银发经济的认知,探寻老龄社会下实现经济可持续发展的长期性和全局性解决方案。 In January 2024,the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Developing the Silver Economy and Enhancing the Welfare of the Elderly,which is the first special policy at the national level with the theme of“silver economy”and has become a guiding document for promoting the development of the silver economy in the new era.In July 2024,the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized the development of the silver economy and the creation of diversified and personalized employment opportunities suitable for the elderly,providing a fundamental direction for achieving high-quality development of the silver economy.In the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country,the new situation of population development such as low birth rate,aging population,and regional population differentiation are intertwined,and the new requirements of economic development such as the transformation of development mode,optimization of economic structure,and transformation of growth drivers are superimposed.Promoting the high-quality development of the silver economy has become an era issue that coordinates the new situation of population and new requirements of the economy.This determines that the silver economy not only involves the field of population development,but also the field of economic development,which needs to be comprehensively interpreted from an interdisciplinary perspective.In view of this,Population and Economics specially invites experts in the academic,policy,and practical research fields of the silver economy to conduct interdisciplinary discussions on the topic of“achieving high-quality development of the silver economy”,accurately grasp the environmental foundation and resource endowment of vigorously developing the silver economy,scientifically understand the concept,characteristics,and scale of the silver economy,continuously deepen the aging-friendly reform in the economic field with the silver economy as the driving force,timely introduce industrial policies to promote high-quality development of the silver economy,comprehensively update and expand the understanding of the silver economy,and explore long-term and global solutions to achieve sustainable economic development in an aging society.
作者 原新 陈友华 李志宏 李佳 金牛 范文清 YUAN Xin;CHEN Youhua;LI Zhihong;LI Jia;JIN Niu;FAN Wenqing
出处 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期1-25,共25页 Population & Economics
基金 研究阐释党的十九届六中全会精神国家社会科学基金重大项目“人口负增长时代的国家人口发展战略研究”(22ZDA098)。
关键词 银发经济 人口老龄化 老龄社会 中国式现代化 高质量发展 silver economy population aging aged society Chinese-style modernization high-quality development
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