

Global Historical Perspective and the Writing of Ethnography of Overseas Art
摘要 全球化时代对海外艺术民族志的书写提出了更高的要求,对于艺术研究方法和学科界限均提出了挑战。民族志能够将研究对象予以整体性观照,并把经验材料研究转变为民族志文本。艺术人类学区别于其他艺术学科的根本标志在于民族志。历史学关注时间、历史与历时性,人类学关注空间、结构与共时性;历史学注重文本资料的搜集与使用,人类学注重田野调查与口述资料的收集与使用。因此,历史学与人类学的聚合,使全球史观与艺术人类学研究呈现出诸多交叉点,历时性的时空差异所产生的不同“他者”,成为全球史观下海外艺术民族志的研究主题。随着全球化时代的到来,海外艺术民族志的书写应该超越国族叙事进入到人类历史,以全球史的观念统合艺术人类学研究,以考察艺术在世界范围内的流动、播布,以及意义的再生产,将是海外艺术民族志的发展方向,这也是在全球史观框架下探讨艺术人类学研究的发展和意义。 The era of globalization has placed higher demands on the writing of ethnography of overseas art, challenging both the methodology and disciplinary boundaries of art studies. Ethnography is able to take a holistic view of the object of study and transform empirical material research into ethnographic texts. What distinguishes art anthropology from other art disciplines is ethnography. History studies focuses on time, history and diachronism, while anthropology focuses on space, structure and synchronicity. History studies focuses on the collection and use of textual materials, while anthropology focuses on the collection and use of fieldwork and oral materials. Therefore, the convergence of history studies and anthropology has brought about many intersections between the global historical perspective and anthropology of art. The different “others” generated by the spatial and temporal differences of diachronism have become the research theme of ethnography of overseas art under the global historical perspective. With the advent of globalization, the writing of ethnography of overseas art should go beyond national narratives to the human history, and the concept of global history should be used to unify anthropological research of art, in order to examine the flow and dissemination of art in the world, as well as the reproduction of meanings, which will be the direction of the development of ethnography of overseas art, and this is also the development and significance of exploring the research of anthropology of art under the framework of the global historical perspective.
作者 王永健 Wang Yongjian(Chinese National Academy of Arts,Beijing,100012.)
机构地区 中国艺术研究院
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2024年第5期113-122,共10页 Ethnic Art Studies
基金 2021年度国家社科基金艺术学重大项目“中国艺术人类学的理论与实践研究”(项目批准号:21ZD10)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 全球史观 艺术民族志 艺术人类学 全球化 他者 global historical perspective ethnography of art anthropology of art globalization other
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