

Zhu Zi's Theory on Improving One's Qi Zhi Through Learning
摘要 宋儒讲的种种功夫都可以指向气质的变化,以功夫对峙气质,在宋代理学家的思想结构中是一种必然。可以说,“变化气质”在理学的功夫语境中是统摄性、含摄性的概念,在思想结构上不可或缺,这一点在朱子思想中表现得尤为突出。考察“变化气质”这一问题,有助于深入理解朱子乃至理学“气的思想”。朱子继承了张载“变化气质”的说法,强调修养以“变化气质”,这建立在理学性善论的前提之上,认为气质是后天不善的原因,影响人的现实性,而每个人都有变化气质以成为圣贤的可能,这就与汉唐儒学的基本倾向十分不同。变化气质的关键在于通过为学实现“德胜气质”,而人之所以能有变化气质的可能,就在于“明德”遮不住,明德总会有彰显的契机。从为学变化气质的角度理解朱子的工夫论,就会发现道心、人心说对于朱子工夫论的重要性,人的气质总会表现为一定的心灵活动,那么变化气质就要透过这些现实的表现,通过为学工夫使得道心为主,道心能为主,也就实现了气质的变化。 According to Confucianists of the Song Dynasty,gong fu(功夫,self-cultivation)of various kinds might all refer to improving one's qi zhi(气质,character and disposition).It is inevitable that the improvement of one's qi zhi through gong fu existed as a dominant part in the ideological structure of the Neo-Confucianism of this dynasty.And it is safe to generalize that the concept of improving one's qi zhi was a holistic and inclusive concept in the theory of gong fu of the Neo-Confucianism,quite indispensable in terms of its ideological structure.This is particularly prominent in Zhu Zi's thought.Examining the issue of improving one's qi zhi helps gain a deeper understanding of Zhu Zi and even the thought of qi(气,spirit,life essence)of the Neo-Confucianism.Inheriting Zhang Zai's idea of improving one's qi zhi,Zhu Zi emphasized the importance of self-cultivation in the improvement of qi zhi.This was based on the premise of the theory of the original goodness of human nature in the Neo-Confucianism.The key to improving one's qi zhi lies in achieving what is highlighted as de sheng qi zhi(德胜气质,virtue triumphs over qi zhi)though learning,and the reason why people can have the possibility to improve their qi zhi is that virtue cannot be concealed,and there will always be opportunities for virtue to manifest itself.From the perspective of improving one's qi zhi through learning,understanding Zhu Zi's theory of gong fu reveals the importance of Dao xin(道心,literally Dao heart,referring to natural law and moral principles)and ren xin(人心,literally human heart,referring to human feeling and will)in Zhu Zi's theory of gong fu.People's qi zhi always present themselves in spiritual activities of some sorts,where the improvement of one's qi zhi must be achieved by making Dao xin prevalent and dominant through learning,thus improving one's qi zhi.
作者 赵金刚 ZHAO Jin-gang
机构地区 清华大学哲学系
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期38-51,165,166,共16页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 北京市社会科学基金青年学术带头人项目(21DTR001) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(22&ZD036)。
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