白垩纪超静磁带,又称白垩纪正极性超时(Cretaceous Normal Superchron,CNS,121.4~83.6 Ma),代表了地质历史时期的极端地磁场行为。开展CNS期间地磁场特征研究对于认识地球内部物理和化学过程(如外核流体运动、核幔边界热通量体制、地幔对流模式等)的异常变化具有重要意义。为此,笔者从极性倒转的角度对过去与CNS期间短期负极性事件相关的研究工作进行了系统梳理和总结,获得以下主要结论和认识:海相沉积、火山岩和陆相沉积记录共同指示CNS期间可能至少发生了7个(组)短期极性倒转事件,分别在中—晚阿普特期(被命名为M“-1r”或“ISEA”,118~116 Ma)、晚阿普特期—早阿尔布期(~113.3 Ma)、中阿尔布期(被命名为M“-2r”set,~108 Ma)、晚阿尔布期(被命名为M“-3r”set,~102 Ma)、晚塞诺曼期(~96 Ma)、晚土伦期(~91 Ma)和晚康尼亚克期—早圣通期(86~85 Ma),呈现全球同时性特征和4~6 Ma周期。但是,考虑到在古地磁采样与测试方法、地层定年、可能的重磁化和岩石磁学分析等方面存在的问题,对于CNS期间极性倒转事件的真实性及其发生时间、频率和持续时间等研究结果仍然具有争议。同时,短期负极性事件作为地球发电机数值模拟新的约束条件,有助于更加科学地揭示CNS期间地球内部独特的动力学变化过程以及与白垩纪中期全球地质事件在成因上的内在联系。下一步,开展白垩纪长时间尺度的高精度磁性地层学和地质年代学相结合的研究,以及针对负极性带的精细岩石磁学分析,是准确约束CNS期间短期极性倒转事件发生规律的关键。
The Cretaceous Quiet Zone,also known as the Cretaceous Normal Superchron(CNS,121.4~83.6 Ma),represents the most extreme geomagnetic field behavior in the geological history.Study of the characteristics of the geomagnetic field during the CNS is of great significance for understanding the abnormal changes of the physical and chemical processes in the Earth’s interior,such as the movement of the outer core fluid,the heat flux regime across the core—mantle boundary and patterns of mantle convection.Therefore,this paper systematically reviewed and summarized the previous research work related to short reversed-polarity events during CNS from the perspective of polarity reversal.The following main conclusions and views are obtained:the marine sediments,volcanic rocks and terrestrial sediments together indicate that at least seven reported reversed-polarity events or clusters of events might have happened within the CNS,including the Middle—Late Aptian(designated as M“-1r”or“ISEA”,118~116 Ma),Late Aptian—Early Albian(~113.3 Ma),Middle Albian(designated as M“-2r”set,~108 Ma),Late Albian(designated as M“-3r”set,~102 Ma),Late Cenomanian(~96 Ma),Late Turonian(~91 Ma)and Late Coniacian—Early Santonian(86~85 Ma),which presents global synchroneity and a periodicity of 4~6 Ma.However,given the problems and uncertainties in paleomagnetic sampling and measurement methods,stratigraphic dating,possible remagnetization and rock magnetic analysis,the authenticity of polarity reversal events during the CNS and their occurrence time,frequency and duration are still controversial.Meanwhile,the short reversed-polarity events as a new constraint condition for the numerical simulation of the geodynamo can contribute to more scientifically revealing the unique dynamic change process in the Earth’s interior during the CNS and the internal genetic relationship with the global geologic events in the mid-Cretaceous.In the future,the integrated high-resolution magnetostratigraphic and geochronologic researches in the Cretaceous long-term scale,as well as the fine rock magnetic analyses of the reversed-polarity zones,is the key to accurately constrain the occurrence regularity of short polarity reversal events during the CNS.
ZHANG Dawen(College of Tourism and Resources Environment,Zaozhuang University,Zaozhuang,Shandong,277160)
Geological Review