
Demulsification with simultaneous water purification by coupling filtration and enhanced oil droplet coalescence at anode interface in an electrochemical reactor

摘要 With the increasing demand of recycling disposal of industrial wastewater,oil-in-water(O/W)emulsion has been paid much attention in recent years owing to its high oil con-tent.However,due to the presence of surfactant and salt,the emulsion was usually stable with complex physicochemical interfacial properties leading to increased processing diffi-culty.Herein,a novel flow-through electrode-based demulsification reactor(FEDR)was well designed for the treatment of saline O/W emulsion.In contrast to 53.7%for electrical demul-sification only and 80.3%for filtration only,the COD removal efficiency increased to 92.8%under FEDR system.Moreover,the pore size of electrode and the applied voltage were two key factors that governed the FEDR demulsification performance.By observing the mor-phology of oil droplets deposited layer after different operation conditions and the behavior of oil droplets at the electrode surface under different voltage conditions,the mechanism was proposed that the oil droplets first accumulated on the surface of flow-through elec-trode by sieving effect,subsequently the gathered oil droplets could further coalesce with the promoting effect of the anode,leading to a high-performing demulsification.This study offers an attractive option of using flow-through electrode to accomplish the oil recovery with simultaneous water purification.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期118-126,共9页 环境科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.22022606 and 52221004).
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