工业自动化和智能化的不断发展,使得液压系统的应用变得日益频繁,其中液压马达的性能直接影响整个系统的效率和可靠性;为此,研究首先以数学建模的方式对液压马达测控加载系统进行了建模,其次,以比例-积分-微分控制技术为基础,引入了遗传算法和径向基函数进行参数整定优化,最终提出了一种新型测控系统模型;实验结果表明,该新模型在中心值为0.45,宽度参数为0.3和权值参数为-0.1时的性能最佳;其响应时间最短为1.2秒,平均振幅为8 mm,频率与原系统基本一致;其马达转速最快可达1470转/分钟,测控误差最小为0.49 mm,系统响应时间最快为0.25秒,超调量最低为2.87%;由此可知,该新测控模型能显著提高液压马达的动态性能和稳定性;研究旨在通过改进现有的控制算法,以提升液压马达的测控精度和响应速度,为该领域的技术发展,提供一种新的方向。
With the continuous development of industrial automation and intelligence,it makes the application of hydraulic system become more and more frequent,in which the performance of a hydraulic motor directly affects the efficiency and reliability of the whole system.For this reason,firstly,the hydraulic motor measurement and control loading system is carried out the mathematical modeling;Secondly,based on proportional-integral-derivative(PID)control technology,the genetic algorithm(GA)and radial basis function(RBF)are introduced to optimize the parameter rectification;Finally,a new measurement and control system model is proposed.Experimental results show that this new model has the best performance,with a center value of 0.45,a width parameter of 0.3 and a weight parameter of-0.1.The shortest response time is 1.2 s,the average amplitude is 8 mm,and the frequency is basically the same as that of the original system.The fastest motor speed of the system reaches up to 1470 rpm,with a minimum measurement and control error of 0.49 mm,a fastest system response time of 0.25 s,and a minimum overshoot of 2.87%.It can be seen that the new measurement and control model can significantly improve the dynamic performance and stability of the hydraulic motor.The study aims to improve the measurement and control accuracy and response speed of hydraulic motors by improving the existing control algorithms,and to provide a new direction for the technological development in this field.
YE Jianbo(Zhejiang Emergency Management Digital and Technology Center,Hangzhou 310007,China)
Computer Measurement &Control