

Structural Adjustment under External Shocks:Russian and Eastern European Studies in Scandinavia(2014-2024)
摘要 斯堪的纳维亚学界的俄罗斯东欧研究并未随着苏联解体而衰落,在政府增加投入的支持下呈现出发展的态势。2014年乌克兰危机发生后,由于受到地缘政治变化的外生冲击,该地区的研究议程、议题分布出现了结构性变化,对既有研究方法的反思和探讨也同步进行。俄欧关系的持续恶化乃至脱钩,促使斯堪的纳维亚学界对俄罗斯政治体制特点、对外决策逻辑的关注度超过经济议题,并在此基础上重新评估对俄关系前景。斯堪的纳维亚学界对俄认知整体呈负面化,在俄乌冲突发生后更加强调防范俄罗斯的潜在威胁。对于美国学界倡导俄罗斯研究“去殖民化”、“去中心化”等主张,该地区学者持审慎态度,坚持在批判性吸收的基础上形成符合该地区需求的研究范式,避免简单套用而造成偏差性理解。斯堪的纳维亚学界仍在继续对俄罗斯、东欧研究进行结构性调整和反思,呈现整体繁荣增长的趋势,而更具特色的地区成就的形成还需要进一步观察和研究。 The field of Russian and Eastern European studies in Scandinavian academia has not declined following the dissolution of the Soviet Union;rather,it has shown growth,supported by increased governmental investment.Since the 2014 Ukraine crisis,external geopolitical shocks have led to structural changes in the region's research agenda and thematic distribution,accompanied by a critical reassessment of existing research methodologies.The ongoing deterioration and even decoupling of Russia-European relations have prompted Scandinavian scholars to focus more on Russia's political system characteristics and foreign policy decision-making processes,overshadowing economic topics.This shift forms the basis for a reevaluation of future relations with Russia.Scandinavian scholars generally hold a negative perception of Russia,which has intensified after the Russia-Ukraine conflict,emphasizing the need to guard against potential Russian threats.Regarding the American academic calls for“decolonization”and“decentralization”in Russian studies,scholars in this region adopt a cautious approach,aiming to develop a research paradigm tailored to regional needs through critical assimilation,thus avoiding distortions that may arise from simply applying external models.Scandinavian research on Russia and Eastern Europe continues to undergo structural adjustments and reflection,maintaining an overall trend of growth and prosperity.However,further observation and study are needed to understand the emergence of more distinctive regional achievements.
作者 韩冬涛 廖正杰 Han Dongtao;Liao Zhengjie
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 2024年第5期85-109,共25页 Russian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“21世纪以来俄罗斯边疆治理与发展战略研究”(项目批准号:21CGJ050)的阶段性成果。
关键词 斯堪的纳维亚 俄罗斯东欧研究 议题与方法 结构性调整 乌克兰危机 Scandinavia Russian and Eastern European Studies Theme and Method Structural Adjustment the Ukraine Crisis
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