

New Quality Productive Forces Facilitating the Modern Transformation and Upgrading of the Sports Dance Industry:Driving Logic,Practical Challenges and Promotion Paths
摘要 体育舞蹈产业是一个涵盖多领域和多环节的综合性产业,在新一轮科技革命和产业变革的发展格局下,体育舞蹈产业现代化转型升级是发展的必然选择。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,在阐释新质生产力助力体育舞蹈产业现代化转型升级驱动逻辑的基础上,针对当前我国体育舞蹈产业存在的体育舞蹈科技创新培养渠道局限、复合型人才匮乏、体育舞蹈组织缺乏行业整合能力、生产要素配置不充分、体育舞蹈产业架构不合理、体育舞蹈产品呈低附加值等现实挑战,提出加快培育新基础生产要素、坚持科技创新为核心动力、重塑体育舞蹈产业竞争力、推动全要素生产率的提升等具体推进路径,以期更好地发挥新质生产力助力体育舞蹈产业现代化转型升级的作用。 Sports dance industry is a comprehensive industry covering multiple fields and links,and under the development pattern of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change,the modern transformation and upgrading of sports dance industry is an inevitable choice for development.This paper adopts research methods such as literature review method and logical analysis method to explain the driving logic of modern transformation and upgrading of sports dance industry with the help of new quality productive forces.For the current sports dance industry in China,there are limitations in the training channels of sports dance science and technology innovation,a lack of composite talents,a lack of industry integration capacity of sports dance organizations,insufficient allocation of production factors,irrational sports dance industry structure,low value-added sports dance products and other challenges.It is suggested to accelerating the cultivation of new basic production factors,adhere to scientific and technological innovation as the core driving force,reshape the competitiveness of the sports dance industry,and promote the specific advancement path for the enhancement of total factor productive forces,so as to better play the role of new quality productive forces to help modernize the transformation and upgrading of the sport dance industry.
作者 邓绮雯 Deng Qiwen(School of Physical Education,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei 235000,China)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第10期105-107,115,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 新质生产力 体育舞蹈产业 现代化 转型升级 new quality productive forces sports dance industry Modernization transformation and upgrading
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