

Accessibility and equity of medical resources in Qingdao under multiple traffic modes
摘要 针对医疗资源可达性和公平性问题,考虑公共交通和驾车两种模式构建多交通模式两步移动搜索法(MT2SFCA)分析青岛市医疗资源的可达性,从服务供给与需求双重角度出发运用区位熵分析医疗资源分配的公平性。利用反两步移动搜索法(i2SFCA)分析新冠疫情期间定点医院的潜在拥挤度。结果表明:MT2SFCA算法在评估医疗资源可达性方面表现出明显优势,青岛市整体医疗资源呈现明显的空间集聚特征,但城郊差异很大。医疗资源的分配处于高度不平均的状态,在乡镇街道居民中的分配差异较大。可达性-公平性(A-E)模式分析结果显示,“低可达性-低公平性”的乡镇街道数量最多,医疗资源可达性和公平性之间差距明显,疫情情境下定点医院的潜在拥挤度差异较大。研究结论将为优化医疗设施的空间布局、保障医疗资源空间公平提供科学依据。 Aiming at the accessibility and equity of medical resources,Multiple Traffic modes Two-Step Floating Catchment Area(MT2SFCA)is constructed to analyze the accessibility of medical resources in Qingdao by considering two modes for public traffic and driving,and the equity of medical resource distribution is analyzed by using location entropy from the dual perspectives of service supply and demand.The inverted Two-Step Floating Catchment Area(i2SFCA)is used to analyze the potential crowdedness of designated hospitals during the coronavirus epidemic situation.The results show that MT2SFCA has obvious advantages in evaluating the accessibility of medical resources.The spatial agglomeration characteristics of overall medical resources in Qingdao is significant,and there are great differences in the suburbs.The distribution of medical resources is in a highly unequal state,and there is a great difference in the distribution among the residents of towns and streets.The analysis results of Accessibility-Equity(A-E)mode show that the number of towns and streets with“low accessibility-low equity”is the largest,the gap between accessibility and equity of medical resources is obvious,and the potential crowdedness of designated hospitals during the epidemic situation is quite different.The research conclusion can provide scientific bases for optimizing the spatial structure of medical facilities and ensuring the equity of medical resources.
作者 李万武 柳林 汪恒生 王晓霞 隋巧丽 曹晓静 LI Wanwu;LIU Lin;WANG Hengsheng;WANG Xiaoxia;SUI Qiaoli;CAO Xiaojing(College of Geodesy and Geomatics,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao,Shandong 266590,China;Chengyang Branch of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment,Qingdao,Shandong266109,China)
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期62-70,共9页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42471508)。
关键词 医疗资源 公平性 可达性 多交通模式可达性搜索法 拥挤度 medical resources equity accessibility MT2SFCA crowdedness
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