

Policy Changes,Logic and Prospects of Teacher Education in Comprehensive Universities in China——From the Perspective of Historical Institutionalism
摘要 基于历史制度主义的视角,对中华人民共和国成立以来的综合性大学办教师教育的政策变迁展开系统分析,其历史过程包括破旧立新的整顿发展期、蜕故孳新的突破发展期、革故鼎新的深化发展期以及立本创新的内涵发展期。我国综合性大学办教师教育的政策变迁逻辑由此凸显:就结构观而言,宏观经济政治背景、中层教育管理体制、微观行动者利益博弈等解释了政策生成演进的逻辑;就历史观而言,对路径依赖、关键节点、历史否决点等方面的分析展现了政策存续变革的逻辑。展望未来,综合性大学办教师教育的政策要遵循结构逻辑和历史逻辑,相关主体应进一步优化政策供给,提升政策效能,保障政策实施,推动政策创新,促进综合性大学办教师教育的高质量发展。 Based on the perspective of Historical Institutionalism,a systematic analysis of the policy changes in the teacher education of comprehensive universities since the founding of the People's Republic of China was carried out.It was found that its historical process includes the rectification and development period of breaking the old and establishing the new,the breakthrough development period of transforming the old and creating the new,the deepening development period of reforming the old and establishing the new,and the connotation development period of establishing the foundation and innovation.The logic of policy changes of teacher education in comprehensive universities in China is thus highlighted:in terms of structure view,macroeconomic and political backgrounds,middle level education management systems,and micro actors'interest games have explained the logic of the generation and evolution of policy;in terms of historical view,the analysis of path dependence,key nodes,and historical veto points shows the logic of policy survival and change.Looking forward to the future,the policy of teacher education in comprehensive universities should follow both structural and historical logic,and relevant subjects should further optimize policy supply,improve policy effectiveness,ensure policy implementation,promote policy innovation,and promote the high-quality development of comprehensive universities in teacher education.
作者 曲铁华 姜涛 Qu Tiehua;Jiang Tao(Department of Education,Northeast Normal University,Changchun Jilin 130024,China;Institute of Higher Education,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian Liaoning 116024,China)
出处 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期66-73,共8页 Education Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“百年中国教师教育制度变迁及当代观照研究”(项目编号:21YJA880052)。
关键词 综合性大学 教师教育 政策变迁 历史制度主义 comprehensive universities teacher education policy changes historical institutionalism
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