以《三十颂》(sum cu pa)、《音势论》(rtags’jug)、《正字法》(dag yig)为主的传统藏语语法理论当中,对人称代词等若干藏语语法上的细节问题并未作出清晰的诠释,致使在当下藏语写作实践中出现了不规范现象。因而,面对此类问题,需要善于参考和借鉴先辈们的语法使用习惯和文风语境,从而力求寻找语法疑难的答案。文章指出,在传统和现当代藏语文实践过程中对其人称代词kho mo出现了不同用法,比如,诸多传统藏文文献中kho mo一词以第一人称代词的形式出现,但在现当代不少藏文文艺作品、学术著作、媒体文稿(报刊、新闻、人物简介等)以及译文等文本当中kho mo一词以第三人称代词的形式使用。文章借助语法学、文献学等理论思维,通过对敦煌古藏文文献、《青史》以及丽江版《甘珠尔》和《智游列国漫记》等大量传统藏文文献语法的考察和分析,得出20世纪中叶以前的藏文语法习惯中kho mo一词被当作女性第一人称使用,很难看到其用作女性第三人称的情形,且传统藏文典籍中,专指女性的第三人称单数一般用mo或mo rang来代替文中的“女性”或“她”。因此,文章进一步指出,现当代很多藏文文本中kho mo一词视为第三人称代词而频繁使用的现象是语法上的错误,且不符合传统藏语语法的习惯表达,在日常的写作实践中,应规范使用kho mo等人称代词。
Standardizing language and writing is the ultimate goal of Chinese work,and the correct use of language and writing is the effort of every Chinese worker.As a Tibetan language worker,there is no doubt that it is necessary to master the traditional Tibetan grammar theory,which mainly includes sum cu pa,rtags‘jug,and dag yig.However,some details of Tibetan grammar can not be explained clearly in the traditional grammar theory.Therefore,in the face of such problems,we need to be good at referring to the grammar habits and literary style context of our ancestors,so as to strive to find the answers to grammar problems.The personal pronoun kho mo has been used in different ways in traditional and modern Tibetan language practice.For example,the word kho mo appears as a first-person pronoun in many traditional Tibetan documents.However,in modern and contemporary Tibetan literary works,media,translation and other texts,the word kho mo is used in the form of third person pronouns.Through the investigation and analysis of the grammar of a large number of traditional Tibetan documents,the paper concludes that before the middle of the 20th century,the word kho mo was used frequently only in the context of expressing the first person,and did not express the meaning of other personal pronouns.Therefore,the paper further points out that the frequent use of kho mo as a third person pronoun in many modern and contemporary Tibetan texts is a grammatical error and does not conform to the customary expression of traditional Tibetan grammar.
Dorje Lotob(Chinese Classical Literature Study at School of Humanities,Xizang University.)
Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)