

Dialogue and popularization:A re-examination of thecorrespondence between Chen Duxiu and Ou Shengbai
摘要 作为中国共产党成立前马克思主义派与无政府主义派的一场重要论战,陈独秀与区声白以信函形式所展开的学理对话,堪称话语优势地位转换的催化剂,有力推动了马克思主义早期大众化。区声白在信中回应陈独秀对无政府主义的批评,并援引克鲁泡特金、巴枯宁等的著作进行理论阐述。陈独秀则将学理问题导向马克思主义革命的轨道,旨在揭露和批判无政府主义的不切实际性,号召和引导广大无产阶级推翻资产阶级的统治。随着信件内容在《广东群报》《新青年》《民声》等公开发表,这场事关话语优势地位之争的学理对话引起社会思想的震动,并且导致广州共产党早期组织的改组。而从学理阐释与话语分析的角度考察陈、区的三次来往信函,有助于窥探20世纪初期社会思想激烈交锋的历史场景,揭示中国共产党成立前话语优势地位转换的历史样态,从而为马克思主义早期大众化的历程作一重要补充和注解。 As an important debate between Marxists and anarchists before the founding of the Communist Partyof China,the academic dialogue between Chen Duxiu and Ou Shengbai in the form of letters can be regardedas a catalyst for the transformation of the dominant position of discourse,and effectively promoted the earlypopularization of Marxism.In his letter,Ou Shengbai responded to Chen Duxiu’s criticism of anarchism andquoted the works of Kropotkin,Bakunin,and others for theoretical explanation.Chen Duxiu directed thetheoretical issues to the track of Marxist revolution,aiming to expose and criticize the impracticality ofanarchism,and call on and guide the proletariat to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie.As the contents of theletter were published in Guangdong Daily,New Youth,and People’s Voice,this academic dialogue concerningthe dominance of discourse caused a shock in social thought and led to the reorganization of the earlyorganization of the Guangzhou Communist Party.Examining the three letters exchanged between Chen and Oufrom the perspective of academic interpretation and discourse analysis can help to gain a glimpse of thehistorical scene of fierce confrontation of social thoughts in the early 20th century,and reveal the historicalpattern of the transformation of the dominant position of discourse before the founding of the Communist Partyof China.This research will provide an important supplement and annotation for the early popularizationprocess of Marxism.
作者 曾荣 ZENG Rong(School of Marxism,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第6期95-103,共9页 Journal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(23ADJ007) 广东省社科规划2023年度特别委托项目(GD23WTC05)。
关键词 马克思主义 无政府主义 学理对话 广州共产党早期组织 Marxism anarchism academic dialogue early organization of the Communist Party of Guangzhou
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