A multi-group cross-section library is fundamental for deterministic lattice physics calculations.Most existing multi-group cross-section libraries are customized for particular computer codes,as well as for particular types of nuclear reactors.This paper presents an HDF5-format multi-group cross-section library named XPZLIB.XPZLIB was produced using a selfdeveloped XPZR module integrated into the NJOY2016 code,and an in-house PyNjoy2022 system was developed for autoprocessing.XPZLIB contains detailed data content and well-organized data structures that are user-and developer-friendly.Three typical XPZLIBs with different numbers of energy groups,nuclides,and depletion reaction types were released via the Tsinghua cloud website.Furthermore,the applicability of the released XPZLIBs was investigated using HTGR and PWR lattice calculations,which can provide guidance for applying XPZLIB under different scenarios.
supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2020YFE0202500).