

Control strategy combined power conversion with VPPM modulation of visible light communication
摘要 面对独立光伏发电系统的小卫星间可见光通信应用,提出一种谐振三端口LED驱动电路,实现软开关高效光伏电能变换,对所提出驱动电路稳态特性和关键参数进行具体分析设计。结合驱动电路,提出一种融合电能变换与可见光通信的可变脉冲位置调制(VPPM)调制控制策略,利用输出脉冲电流的位置实现数据传输,通过调节输出脉冲电流宽度完成通信所需亮度调节,适用于较远距离可见光通信调制,同时实现照明恒流控制。详细分析融合控制原理和控制过程,最后进行计算机仿真验证,并设计制作一台所提出驱动电路与融合控制策略的额定输出0.6 A/20 W实验样机,样机效率最高可达95.6%,通信原理样机数据传输速率为10~20 kbps,验证了所提出的驱动电路和融合控制策略的有效性。 In the application of the visible light communication between small satellites for independent photovoltaic power generation system,a resonant three-port LED driver was proposed.The steady state characteristics of the proposed driver and the key parameter were theoretically derived and analyzed.Combined with the proposed driver,a control strategy incorporating variable pulse position modulation(VPPM)of visible light communication modulation with power conversion LED driver was proposed,which the position of the output pulse current was utilized to realize data transmission,and the brightness adjustment required for communication was completed by adjusting the width of the output pulse current,which is used to be suitable for longer distance VLC modulation,and the output average current for lighting can be controlled to be constant.The control principle and control process were analyzed in detail.The computer simulation was carried out.An experimental prototype of the proposed driver and its hybrid control strategy with a rated output of 0.6 A/20 W was designed and set up,with an efficiency of up to 95.6%,and a data transmission rate of 10 kbps-20 kbps.The simulation and experimental results have been obtained to verify the proposed resonant three-port LED driver and its hybrid control strategy.
作者 郑勇 林维明 林中寅 黄舒晨 ZHENG Yong;LIN Weiming;LIN Zhongyin;HUANG Shuchen(Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期177-192,共16页 Electric Machines and Control
基金 福建省科技厅高校产学重大项目(2014H6012)。
关键词 多输入多输出 LED照明 三端口谐振驱动电路 可见光通信 VPPM调制 融合控制策略 multiinput-multioutput LED lighting resonant three-port driver visible light communication VPPM hybrid control strategy
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