

Evaluation of Furniture Design in Active Learning Classroom
摘要 技术注入和教育改革给传统教室带来了巨大的变化,家具作为教室空间的基础设施从布局和设计上都需探索新的发展路径。使用立意抽样筛选出第49届和第51届中国家博会参展的17个主动学习教室的教育家具品牌作为研究样本,提取它们的产品特征;运用层次分析法(AHP),结合国内外研究,构建主动学习教室家具设计评价的指标体系,计算其权重得出各指标的权重大小和优先级排序。其中,准则层中富技术性的权重最高,技术应用在主动学习教室家具的设计中占重要地位,其次是灵活性;指标层中以学生为中心和线下互动的权重最大,因此,主动学习教室家具的设计因考虑技术应用的同时增强师生之间的互动性。 Technological advancements and educational reforms have significantly transformed traditional classroom environments.As the fundamental infrastructure of classrooms,furniture must explore new development paths in terms of layout and design.Using purposive sampling,this study selected 17 educational furniture brands from active learning classrooms that participated in the 49th and 51st China National Expo as research samples.The product features of these brands were extracted,and an indicator system for evaluating active learning classroom furniture design was constructed using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP),in conjunction with domestic and international research.The weights of each indicator were calculated,revealing that technical sophistication had the highest weight in the criterion layer,indicating the crucial role of technology application in active learning classroom furniture design,followed by flexibility.At the indicator layer,student-centricity and offline interaction had the highest weights.Therefore,the design of active learning classroom furniture should prioritize the integration of technology while enhancing the interaction between teachers and students.
作者 王倩 陈于书 WANG Qian;CHEN Yushu(College of Furniture and Industrial Design,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China)
出处 《家具》 2024年第6期52-56,14,共6页 Furniture
基金 国家重点研发计划资助(2017YFD0601104) 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(202101148004)。
关键词 主动学习教室 教室家具 层次分析法 active learning classroom classroom furniture Analytic Hierarchy Process
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