黄河流域面临着水资源短缺、上下游分布不均的问题,为确保区域内水资源可持续利用,亟需对流域水资源可持续性开展科学评价。基于黄河流域2020年水资源数据,将虚拟水消耗和再生水利用纳入水资源生态足迹评价体系,综合考量了水资源生态盈亏、万元GDP水资源生态足迹以及水生态压力,对流域水资源可持续发展进行评估。结果表明:黄河流域各市(州)人均水资源生态足迹地域差异显著,上游地区普遍较高,内蒙古的巴彦淖尔市、青海的海南藏族自治州和海北藏族自治州(10.52、8.72、6.85 hm^(2)/人)位列前3;而中下游经济发达、人口密集的省会城市如郑州、太原、西安(0.45、0.35、0.29 hm^(2)/人)等则相对较低。人均水资源生态承载力最高与最低的地区均位于上游,源头的阿坝藏族羌族自治州(四川)、甘孜藏族自治州(四川)以及果洛藏族自治州(青海)(96.29、79.52、66.86 hm^(2)/人)位列前3,而白银(甘肃)、乌海(内蒙古)、石嘴山(宁夏)(0.002 0、0.002 5、0.003 1 hm^(2)/人)等市则相对较低,呈现与生态足迹不同的特征。流域人均水资源生态盈亏,仅上游的青海和四川呈现盈余,其余省(区)中有约85.5%的市(州)处于赤字状态,水资源压力指数大于1,处于水资源不可持续利用状态,安全程度较低。流域内万元GDP水资源生态足迹差异大,从上游到下游呈下降趋势,青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南和山东等省(区)分别为1.17、0.91、0.68、0.61、0.58、0.28、0.28、0.32、0.36 hm^(2)/万元,表明水资源利用效率在中下游省(区)相对较高。研究表明,黄河流域水资源生态赤字程度已远远超过水资源承载能力,亟需加强水资源生态补偿和可持续利用研究,采取有效措施以实现水资源对经济社会发展的可持续支撑。
The Yellow River Basin confronts issues of water scarcity and uneven distribution between upstream and downstream regions.To ensure sustainable water use within the regions,a scientific evaluation of water resource sustainability in the basin is urgently required.Based on the water resource data from the Yellow River Basin in 2020,a water resources ecological footprint evaluation system was developed,incorporating virtual water consumption and reclaimed water utilization.This system comprehensively assessed the sustainable development of water resources in the basin,considering the factors such as water resources ecological surplus/deficit,water resources ecological footprint per 10 000 yuan GDP,and water ecological pressure.The results demonstrated significant regional disparities in per capita water resources ecological footprint across the cities(prefectures) in the Yellow River Basin.Upstream regions generally exhibited higher values,with Bayan Nur of Inner Mongolia,and Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai(10.52,8.72,6.85hm^(2)/person) ranking among the top three.Conversely,economically prosperous and densely populated provincial capitals in the midstream and downstream regions,such as Zhengzhou,Taiyuan,and Xi'an(0.45,0.35,0.29hm^(2)/person),exhibited lower values.Both the areas with the highest and lowest per capita water resources ecological carrying capacity were located in the upstream region.Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan,Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan,and Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai(96.29,79.52,66.86 hm^(2)/person) ranked among the top three,while Baiyin of Gansu,Wuhai of Inner Mongolia,and Shizuishan of Ningxia(0.002 0,0.002 5,0.003 1 hm^(2)/person) exhibited relatively lower values,exhibiting distinct characteristics from the ecological footprint.In terms of per capita water resources ecological surplus/deficit in the basin,only Qinghai and Sichuan in the uppermost reaches showed a surplus.Approximately 85.5% of the cities(prefectures) in other provinces(autonomous regions) were in a deficit state,with water resource pressure indices greater than 1,indicating unsustainable water use and a low level of security.The ecological footprint of water resources per 10 000 yuan of GDP in the basin showed a great difference,with a downward trend from upstream to downstream,and was 1.17,0.91,0.68,0.61,0.58,0.28,0.28,0.32 and 0.36 hm^(2)/(10 000 yuan) in Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Henan and Shandong,respectively.It indicates that the water resources utilization efficiency is relatively high in the midstream and downstream provinces(autonomous regions).The study reveals that the ecological deficit of water resources in the Yellow River Basin has significantly surpassed its carrying capacity,necessitating the reinforcement of water resources ecological compensation and sustainable utilization research.Effective measures should be implemented to achieve sustainable support for water resources for economic and social development.
ZHANG Haoran;XU Kangning;GUO Fei;LIU Ang(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences)
Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
Yellow River Basin
water resources
ecological footprint
virtual water
reclaimed water
carrying capacity
sustainable utilization