

Changes in Immune Antibodies in Calves Vaccinated with Brucella A19 Vaccine and A19-△VirB12 Vaccine
摘要 为了解犊牛采用WOAH推荐的A19疫苗的免疫方式接种不同剂量的A19疫苗和A19-△VirB12疫苗的抗体变化,应用不同剂量的布鲁氏菌A19疫苗和A19-△VirB12疫苗采用WOAH推荐的黏膜免疫和皮下接种两种免疫方式接种3~6月龄母犊牛,采用试管凝集试验(SAT)检测采集于犊牛免疫各时段的血清中抗体变化。结果显示,试验一中犊牛皮下接种常规剂量A19疫苗和A19-△VirB12疫苗在免疫2周均会产生较高水平的抗体。在免疫24周两组仍有5%~15%的血清抗体效价维持在1:200以上。试验二中采用1/10常规剂量的A19疫苗和A19-△VirB12疫苗通过黏膜和皮下免疫犊牛,各组在免疫15周均出现较高水平的抗体效价,在免疫30周,两个皮下免疫组仍有11.76%的血清抗体效价维持在1:200以上。试验结果表明,犊牛皮下接种常规剂量A19-△VirB12疫苗与接种常规剂量A19疫苗产生的抗体效价水平相当。犊牛黏膜免疫和皮下免疫1/10剂量的A19-△VirB12疫苗与同一方法接种同一剂量A19疫苗产生的抗体效价水平相当。 In order to understand the antibody changes of calves inoculated with different doses of A19 vaccine and A19-△VirB12 vaccine according to WOAH recommended A19 vaccine.Different doses of brucella A19 vaccine and A19-△VirB12 vaccine were administered to 3~6 month old female calves by mucosal immunization and subcutaneous immunization as recommended by WOAH,and the changes of serum antibodies collected at different immunization periods were detected by test-tube agglutination test(SAT).Results showed that,in trial 1,subcutaneous administration of conventional doses of A19 vaccine and A19-△VirB12 vaccine produced higher levels of antibodies at 2 weeks of immunization.At 24 weeks of immunization,5%~15%of serum antibody titers in both groups remained above 1:200.In trial 2,1/10 of conventional doses of A19 vaccine and A19-△VirB12 vaccine were used to immunize calves through mucosa and subcutaneously.High antibody titers were found in all groups at the 15th week of immunization,and 11.76%of serum antibody titers in the two subcutaneously immunized groups remained above 1:200 at the 30th week of immunization.Subcutaneous administration of the conventional dose of A19-△VirB12 vaccine in calves produced antibody titer levels comparable to that of the conventional dose of A19 vaccine.Calf mucosal immunization and subcutaneous immunization 1/10 doses of A19-△VirB12 vaccine produced antibody titer levels comparable to the same dose of A19 vaccine administered by the same method.
作者 张家瑞 剡文亮 易新萍 马晓菁 宋洁 李岩 张力 张旭 ZHANG Jia-rui;YAN Wen-liang;YI Xin-ping;MA Xiao-jing;SONG Jie;LI Yan;ZHANG Li;ZHANG Xu(The General Station of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Urumqi 830063;Institute of Veterinary Medicine,Xinjiang Academy of Animal Sciences,Urumqi 830063;Xinjiang Tianrun Dairy Co.Ltd,Urumqi 830063)
出处 《中国奶牛》 2024年第11期37-41,共5页 China Dairy Cattle
基金 新疆生产建设兵团重点领域科技攻关计划(2020AB015) “兵团英才”选拔培养工程《兵团英才》。
关键词 布鲁氏菌病 布鲁氏菌A19疫苗 布鲁氏菌A19-△VirB12疫苗 抗体变化 Brucellosis Brucella A19 vaccine Brucella A19-△VirB12 vaccine Antibody changes
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