Mao Ze-dong's relationship with Qu,a type of verse popular in the Yuan Dynasty,deserves careful exploration.Throughouthis life,Mao enjoyed reading Qu,discussing Qu,transcribing Qu,utilizing Qu,and helping others modify their Qu verses.He also wrote Qu verses,but they were not published.Exploring the social and cultural environment in which Mao Ze-dong read Qu,his resources of Qu books,and the historical facts of Mao Ze-dong's engaging with,studying,appreciating,discussing,transcribing,utilizing,and writing Qu,in addition to his helping others modify their Qu verses,not only broadens our understanding of Mao Ze-dong's fondness for traditional Chinese poetrywhichincludes Qu,but alsodeepensourcomprehension of MaoZe-dong asagreat poet in afuller way.Therearefewreferentialdetailsto demonstrate what Qu books Mao Ze-dong read or what Qu verses he even composed before the year of 1949.The first written records of Mao's reading Qu are from 1949,namely after the founding of the People's Republic of China.The earliest record of Mao Ze-dong's discussing Qu is that with Liu Ying about Chen Quan's"A Chattering Song",a metrical tune in Qu,and his most frequent discussions involve the Qu verses in The Dream of the Red Chamber and The Romance of the Western Chamber.Mao Ze-dong was good at utilizing Qu.He not only read Qu as a group of in-depth thinking and analogical argument,but also applied the verses to persuade others and solve problems in special occasions through metaphorically enriching the texts that were relevant to specific situations or persons.
Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories