

The spatial divergence of park visits of Guangzhou residents and its influencing factors based on mobile phone signaling data
摘要 加快推进城市公园建设是实现人与自然和谐共生的重要抓手。既有研究大多基于问卷调查数据和访谈资料分析城市居民的公园访问行为空间分异特征,研究结论的普适性和科学性有限。手机信令数据具有大样本、覆盖范围广、信息被动提供和动态实时性强等优点。利用手机信令数据精准刻画城市居民的公园访问行为,有助于开展城市公园的布局优化与品质提升工作。基于个体尺度的手机信令数据,本研究试图揭示广州市居民公园访问行为的空间分异特征并识别其影响因素,尤其关注城区居民和郊区居民的差别。结果表明:(1)城区居民的公园访问频率、公园访问时长和公园访问强度均高于郊区居民,前者的公园平均访问距离低于后者;(2)公园访问频率、公园访问强度、公园平均逗留时间和公园平均访问距离呈现高值集聚区/低值集聚区在城区连片分布,在郊区零星分布的空间特征;(3)公园访问行为受性别、年龄、时空约束性、社会经济地位、公园可达性、社区出行便利性和出行适宜性等因素的共同影响。本研究为相关政府部门精准开展城市公园的规划、建设与管理工作提供决策参考。 Constructing more urban parks facilitates the achievement of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.Most existing studies about residents'park-visiting behavior are based on questionnaire survey data and interview data to analyse the characteristics of spatial differentiation,limiting the universality and scientificity of the conclusions.Mobile phone signaling data offers advan‐tages such as large samples,wide-coverage,passive information provision,and strong real-time dynam‐ics.Utilizing mobile phone signaling data to identify urban residents'park visits accurately can assist in the optimization of urban park layout and quality improvement.Based on individual-scale mobile phone signaling data,this study aims to reveal the spatial differentiation of park visits of Guangzhou residents and identify influencing factors,particularly focusing on the differences between urban and suburban residents.The results show that:1)the frequency,duration,and intensity of park-visiting of urban residents are higher than those of suburban residents,and the average park-visiting distance of the former is shorter than that of the latter;2)the frequency,intensity,and duration of park-visiting and average park-visiting distance show the spatial characteristics of high-/low-value accumulation of an extensive distribution in urban areas and sporadic distribution in the suburbs;3)park-visiting behaviour is jointly influenced by gender,age,temporal and spatial constraints,socio-economic status,park acces‐sibility,community travel convenience,and travel appropriateness.This study provides decision-mak‐ing reference for relevant government departments to effectively carry out the planning,construction,and management of urban parks.
作者 刘晔 叶柏麟 吴景豪 LIU Ye;YE Bailin;WU Jinghao(School of Geography and Planning,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation/Guangdong Provincial Engineering Research Center for Public Security and Disaster,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期195-206,共12页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
基金 国家自然科学基金(42171196)。
关键词 城市公园 公园访问行为 空间分异 手机信令数据 广州 urban park park visit spatial variation mobile phone signaling data Guangzhou
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