

Study on the Associated Characteristics between Community Spatial Centers and Elderly-Friendly Public Service Facilities
摘要 随着老龄化程度加深,经济的发展模式转变,社会的需求结构均发生变化,为兼顾人民至上的社区发展要求与空间集聚的城市发展规律,应关注老年人出行活动结构与公共服务设施布局的关联性。因此,运用结晶生长算法与空间自相关方法揭示老年人社区生活圈的空间中心,结合多尺度地理加权回归工具研究空间中心与公共服务设施分布的关联性。以广州市中心城区为例展开研究,结果表明:(1)社区生活圈的空间中心主要位于荔湾区的长寿路与白鹤洞、越秀区的北京路、海珠区的沙园与海印等区域;(2)社区生活圈空间中心与公共服务设施的关联特征根据空间异质性可分为三个类型并针对不同区域进行服务设施的补充和引导。所提出的分析方法能够揭示老年人出行活动结构与资源分布的适配关系,丰富了社区生活圈理论,对城市的高质量发展具有重要意义。 With the deepening of aging and the transformation of the urban economic development model,society's supply and demand structure is undergoing profound changes.In July 2023,the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on the List of Pilot Projects for the Construction of Complete Communities,which emphasizes the importance of constructing a system of public service facilities based on the complete needs of the residents and the requirement to further improve the quality of life in the community.Among them,the elderly have more urgent needs for public space and daily life facilities,so it is important to emphasize the elderly's daily activity areas to create livable communities.An in-depth analysis of the correlation between the structure of the elderly's travel activities and the layout of public service facilities is needed to cope with deepening social aging and improve resource utilization efficiency.Further,the coordination of a top-down spatial pattern and bottom-up community governance should be explored in relation to digital empowerment.The study will enrich the practical ideas of life circle theory and provide significant insight into constructing a human-oriented and efficient urban system.First,the study uses the crystal growth algorithm and spatial autocorrelation method to reveal the spatial centers of the elderly's community life circle.The crystal growth algorithm is used to integrate the distribution information of the elderly population and multi-source spatial elements from the seventh census to simulate the distribution of the elderly's travel activities.The spatial autocorrelation method is used to measure the degree of aggregation of the elderly's travel activities,which can accurately extract the spatial center boundaries to reveal the spatial structure of the travel activities.Second,multi-scale geographically weighted regression analysis is used to analyze the correlation between the structure of the elderly's travel activities and the layout of public service facilities.This uses the average z-value of each community in the results of previous spatial autocorrelation analysis as the dependent variable and the average kernel density of POI of various service facilities in the community as the independent variable.The study finds that(1)the spatial centers of the community life circle are mainly located in Changshou Road and Baihedong in Liwan District,Beijing Road in Yuexiu District,and Shayuan and Haiyin in Haizhu District;and(2)the associated characteristics between spatial centers of the community life circle and the public service facilities are classified into three types according to the spatial heterogeneity,and the service facilities can be supplemented and guided for the different areas.The study provides innovative contributions by(1)providing new perspectives for optimizing the allocation strategy of facilities by correlating the spatial structure of the community life circle and the distribution of public service facilities as an entry point;(2)expanding the subsequent technological process of the crystal growth algorithm to support the planning decision-making;and(3)applying the multi-scale geographically weighted regression model to analyze the spatial correlation between the intensity of behavioral activities and the distribution of resource elements,rather than as an explanatory tool.However,the current correlation analysis of public service facilities in 10 major categories limits the study,which lacks an in-depth consideration of micro-demand characteristics such as the elderly's transportation mode for accessing services,tolerance for travel distance,and need to access services.The facilities should be further categorized to propose profound suggestions on the siting of facilities in the relative spatial centers,the services coverage that meets travel thresholds,and the spatial resource coordination of service facilities.
作者 姜洪庆 慎重波 陆宇权 JIANG Hongqing;SHEN Zhongbo;LU Yuquan
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期1-10,共10页 South Architecture
基金 科技部十三五“绿色建筑及建筑工业化”重点专项(2018YFC0704801):既有城市住区规划与美化更新、停车设施与浅层地下空间升级改造技术研究。
关键词 社区生活圈 空间中心 老年人 公共服务设施 多尺度地理加权回归 community life circle spatial center the elderly public service facilities multi-scale geographically weighted regression
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