

Smart Renewal of Commercial Spaces in Residential Areas:Competitive and Cooperative Synergy of Retail Formats and Flowing Organization of Spaces
摘要 在空间生产动能衰减的存量更新时期和通讯、物流技术加剧城市人口与要素流动的信息时代,按传统功能主义、计划思维配建的住区商业空间面临巨大的功能重组和空间重构挑战,需通过低成本、低扰动、高适应性的更新理论指导其空间提质增效实践。为此,从“人本响应”和“时空统筹”角度,探索建构基于业态生命周期竞合协同和经营载体流态组构的住区商业空间“精明更新”方法。该方法以“供需适配、周期演替、竞合协同”为导向目标,以“尺度传导、情境驱动、流态组构”为行动路径,以4类商业业态(餐饮服务、日用零售、生活服务、休闲娱乐)、3阶业态周期(初创、发展、成熟)、两重空间尺度(住区、商铺)、7项空间因子(商业空间配比、业态类型配比、业态周期配比、店面规模、店面区位、店铺拼组方式、主辅空间配比)为解析因子,通过对样本调研,识别揭示了住区商业业态/空间的供需适配、周期演化和竞合协同机理,并据此总结出“专零互补、摊店互促、多业联动”三种住区商业复业情境及其时空间更新响应策略,以为该类城市空间的提质增效提供理论参考。 In the period of inventory renewal where the energy of spatial production is declining,and the era of information where communication and logistics technologies are intensifying the flow of urban population and factors,the urban functional spaces built according to the traditional functionalism and planned thinking are gradually unable to adapt.They cannot keep up with the ever-increasing demand flux and differentiation of subjects due to the rigid structure and use patterns and face great challenges in relation to functional reorganization and spatial reconstruction.In this context,how to promote the quality and efficiency of large-scale extensive inventory space through low-cost,low-disturbance and high-adaptability renewal strategy will become an important direction for urban renewal research in China in the new period.This paper takes"human-oriented response"and"spatial-temporal integration"as the connotation of"smart"and combines this with the special object of commercial space in urban residential areas.It tries to construct a"smart renewal"action theory for urban space to cope with the large-scale inefficiency inventory space caused by the expansive and extensive spatial production in the incremental period.In terms of the contradiction between supply and demand of commercial space in residential areas,the article constructs a research framework for the renewal of commercial space in residential areas with four types of commercial sectors(catering service,daily retail,living service,leisure and entertainment),three stages of business life cycle(start-up,development,and maturity),two spatial scales(residential areas and stores),and seven spatial factors(ratio of commercial space,proportion of business types,proportion of business cycle,scale of stores,location of stores,way of store space assembly,ratio of main and auxiliary space).The study employs these analyzing factors and the relationship between supply and demand,cycle evolution pattern,and the mechanism of competitive and cooperative synergy as research contents to improve the elemental precision of research into the commercial space in residential areas in terms of the granularity of retail format,the frequency of business life cycle,the spatial scale and attribute dimensions.Combined with the investigation and analysis of six residential areas and 358 commercial stores in Chongqing,the appropriate ratio of commercial business and space in residential areas with different population sizes(large,medium,and small)and different population compositions(youth,elderly,child-raising families,and low-income families)is summarized from the scale of the residential area.From the store's scale,the cycle evolution patterns and spatial adaptation conditions of different types of retail formats and their subcategories are identified,including catering services,daily retail,living services,leisure and entertainment.This reveals the competition mechanism of"homogeneous supply of service content and synchronic occupancy of consumption time,"the cooperation mechanism of"cluster collaboration+undertaking collaboration+organizational collaboration,"and the compatibility mechanism of"content compatibility+spatial compatibility."The relevant content expands the theoretical component of the study on the"retail formats-space"adaptation of residential areas.Combined with the study's conclusions,three typical commercial scenarios in residential areas are summarized:"complementation of specialty and retail,mutual promotion of stalls and stores,and multi-format linkage."With the action path of"scale conduction,scenario driven,and flowing organization,"commercial spaces and spatial-temporal response measures in residential areas under the corresponding scenarios are proposed to enhance the operational effectiveness of the renewal actions in terms of human-oriented adaptability,contextual relevance,and mobility of supply.
作者 肖竞 蔡婉洵 谢嫣然 齐才砚 曹珂 XIAO Jing;CAI Wanxun;XIE Yanran;QI Caiyan;CAO Ke
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期59-68,共10页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助项目(51978090):保障房社区非正规就业的空间失配测度、空间影响要素与规划干预研究。
关键词 住区商业空间 精明更新 人本响应 时空统筹 竞合协同 流态组构 生命周期 commercial space in residential area smart renewal human-oriented response spatial-temporal coordination competitive and cooperative synergy flowing organization life cycles
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