

Comments on Article 963 of the Civil Code(Intermediary's Right to Claim Remuneration)
摘要 《民法典》第963条兼含主要规范与辅助规范,为“中介合同”一章的核心条文。当中介人提供约定的中介服务并促成目标合同有效成立时,方可向委托人主张报酬。如果目标合同被撤销或者无效,相当于合同未被促成,中介人不享有报酬请求权。如果目标合同被解除,原则上不影响中介人的报酬请求权,但可归责于中介人的情形除外。应按照宽松标准对“同一性”进行认定。就因果关系而言,报告行为或媒介行为不必是目标合同缔结的唯一原因,具有共同原因性即可。当事人对报酬有约定时,应依当事人约定。实践中多存在兼含中介与委托要素的合同,若中介人只完成中介服务,应相应减少报酬。当事人对报酬无约定时,应根据补充解释或任意性规定确定报酬,中介人的劳务作为标准应当受到限制。除当事人另有约定外,在媒介中介中双方委托的情形,应由当事人平均负担报酬。因从事中介活动的费用被计算在报酬内,该费用应由中介人负担。 Article 963 of the Civil Code contains both primary and secondary norms and is the core provision of the chapter on"Intermediary Contract".The intermediary could claim remuneration from the client only if the intermediary provides the agreed intermediary services and facilitates the effective formation of the target contract.If the target contract is revoked or invalidated,the intermediary does not have the right to claim remuneration as if the contract has not been facilitated.If the target contract is rescinded,the intermediary's right to claim remuneration is in principle not affected,except in cases attributable to the intermediary."Identicality"should be recognised according to a relaxed standard.As far as causality is concerned,it is not necessary that the reporting or mediating behaviour is the sole cause of the conclusion of the target contract,but rather that it is co-causal.If the parties have agreed on remuneration,it should be based on the agreement of the parties.In practice,there are many contracts that contain both intermediary and mandate elements;if the intermediary only completes the intermediary service,the remuneration should be reduced accordingly.If there is no agreement,the remuneration should be determined in accordance with supplementary explanations or default clauses,and the intermediary's labor as a criterion should be limited.Unless otherwise agreed by the parties,in the case of mandated by both parties in intermediation,the remuneration is borne equally by the parties.Since the expenses of performing intermediary activities are included in the remuneration,they are borne by the intermediary.
作者 尚连杰 SHANG Lianjie(Nanjing University Law School;Sino-German Institute for Legal Studies in Nanjing University)
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期173-187,194,共16页 The Jurist
基金 2022年度国家社科基金重大项目“我国民法评注编纂重大问题研究”(22&ZD205)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中介人 报酬请求权 目标合同 因果关系 费用 Intermediary Claim for Remuneration Target Contract Causation Expenses
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