Zero Poisson’s ratio(ZPR)mechanical metamaterials can yield no transverse displacements when unidi-rectionally compressed,and cylindrical sandwich meta-structures composed of semi re-entrant(SRE)ZPR metamaterials are thus explored for applications on cylindrical shells of underwater equipment or sub-mersible structures.A group of ZPR unit cells with specified pre-strained wave propagation characteristics and adequate load-bearing capabilities is optimally designed based on the periodic boundary condition(PBC)and Bloch’s Theorem.The sound transmission and pressure-resistant performance of cylindrical sandwich meta-structures comprising the homogeneous and graded SRE ZPR unit cells are then investi-gated.The results show that the designed meta-structures can perfectly yield better vibroacoustic atten-uation behavior within the specified frequency regions corresponding to the pre-strained band gaps and safely bear the hydrostatic pressure equivalent to 1000 m depth with low weight-bulk ratios.In addition,the functionally graded metamaterial core can boost vibroacoustic performance within broader frequency ranges.
support provided to the first author by the Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52201371)
the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China(No.2021M692043)
the Postdoctoral Excellence Program of Shanghai(No.2021200)is gratefully acknowledged.