

A Preliminary Study of Palpal Sexual Dimorphism in Trichonephila antipodiana Based on Transcriptome Data
摘要 蜘蛛是典型的雌雄二态性动物类群之一。雄蛛脚须特化形成的触肢是储存和传递精子的交配器官,也是蜘蛛物种分类鉴定的重要依据。目前无针对蜘蛛两性触肢差异形成机制的相关报道。以园蛛科Araneidae星毛络新妇Trichonephila antipodiana为研究对象,基于雌雄个体触肢的转录组数据,分析了其形态差异的分子基础。结果表明,Hox基因家族中的pb和lab基因可能具有促进蜘蛛触肢膨大的作用,而Hox3基因则可能抑制触肢膨大发育;runt基因与雄蛛触肢膨大之间存在潜在关联。这些发现拓展了现有对星毛络新妇触肢发育的认知,对解析蜘蛛性二态型的形成机制具有重要意义,为开展其他节肢动物的性二态型研究提供了参考。 Spiders are typical animal groups exhibiting various sexual dimorphisms that are readily apparent between males and females.Male spiders possess specialized palps,which serve as vital organs for sperm storage and transfer,pro-viding a key basis for spider classification.However,the molecular mechanisms of the differences between male and fe-male palps still remain less understood.In this study,the batik golden web spider(Trichonephila antipodiana)was used as an experimental material to investigate the molecular basis of palp dimorphism by RNA-sequencing.The results sug-gested that the Hox gene family,particularly pb and lab genes,might play pivotal roles in promoting the development of spi-der palps,whereas the Hox3 gene might inhibit palp development.Furthermore,a potential association between the runt gene and the enlargement of palps was identified in male spiders.In conclusion,this study contributes to understanding the underlying mechanism of palp development in T.antipodiana,holds significant implications for the field of spider sexual dimorphism research,and also lays a solid foundation for studying sexual dimorphism in other arthropods.
作者 程铃馨 樊征 韩蝶青 任田雨 王露雨 张志升 CHENG Lingxin;FAN Zheng;HAN Dieqing;REN Tianyu;WANG Luyu;ZHANG Zhisheng(Key Laboratory of Eco‑Environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region(Ministry of Education),School of Life Sciences,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2024年第6期636-646,共11页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(202210635002) 重庆市大学生创新创业训练计划资助项目(S202310635384)。
关键词 星毛络新妇 Hox基因家族 触肢发育 runt基因 转录组 性二态型 Trichonephila antipodiana Hox gene family palps development runt gene transcriptome sexual dimor-phism
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