

The experimental study on promoting college students'physical health level through the"Dongyou Cloud Coaching"
摘要 为探讨“动友云教练”促进大学生体质健康水平的作用,将全国9所高校270名大学生分为心肺风险源、柔韧风险源、肌力风险源和肌耐力风险源4个组别,然后进行为期12周的运动干预。结果显示:不同体质健康风险源学生在相应的体测成绩指标上均有明显提升,主要表现在心肺风险源大学生的肺活量、1000 m跑、800 m跑成绩有显著提高,柔韧风险源大学生的坐位体前屈成绩有显著提高,肌力风险源大学生的立定跳远、一分钟仰卧起坐、引体向上成绩有显著提高,肌耐力风险源大学生的50 m跑成绩有显著提高。研究认为,“动友云教练”通过其科学的运动处方和实时的运动监控对大学生的体质健康提升有较好的促进作用,使大学生能够更高效地参加课外体育锻炼,进而持续改善自身体质健康水平。 This study aims to investigate the impact of“Dongyou Cloud Coach”on enhancing college students’physical health level,a total of 270 college students from nine universities across the country were divided into four groups based on their physical health risks:cardiovascular,flexibility,muscular strength,and muscular endurance,and then underwent a 12-week exercise intervention.The results indicate that students with different physical health risks showed significant improvements in their respective physical fitness test indicators.Specifically,college students with cardiovascular risks had significant improvements in their vital capacity of 1000m and 800m running performances.College students with flexibility risks demonstrated significant improvements in their sit-and-reach test results,and them with muscular strength risks showed significant improvements in their standing long jump,one-minute sit-ups,and pull-ups.And then college students with muscular endurance risks showed significant improvements in their 50m sprint performances.The study concludes that“Dongyou Cloud Coach”plays a crucial role in promoting college students’physical health level through its scientific exercise prescriptions and real-time exercise monitoring,which means this platform enables students to participate more efficiently in extracurricular physical exercises,thereby continuously improving their overall physical health level.
作者 樊莲香 闫泽宇 边宇 杨管 庄巍 段宝莹 FAN Lianxiang;YAN Zeyu;BIAN Yu;YANG Guan;ZHUANG Wei;DUAN Baoying(School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China)
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期102-108,共7页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 教育部首批新文科研究与改革实践项目(2021070059)。
关键词 学校体育 动友云教练 体质健康 体质风险源 大学生 school physical education Dongyou Cloud Coaching physical health physical health risk sources college students
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