

Measurement Research of Impact of Green Credit on Performance of Different Types of Commercial Banks
摘要 本文以我国5家国有商业银行、5家全国性股份制商业银行和5家城市商业银行2011—2021年的平衡面板数据为样本进行研究,通过实证分析发现,开展绿色信贷业务会显著降低商业银行整体的盈利水平,且对城市商业银行影响显著,对国有商业银行及全国性股份制商业银行影响较小。研究表明,开展绿色信贷业务会对商业银行整体绩效水平产生影响,并且对不同类型商业银行的绩效水平影响不同,甚至具有一定的滞后性。为了应对绿色信贷政策的调整,本文建议:政府应制定相关差异性绿色信贷激励政策并加强监管落实,银行应拓宽资金来源,调配好绿色信贷期限,加大人才引进力度。 Taking as samples the balanced panel data of 5 state-owned commercial banks,5 nationwide joint-stock commercial banks and 5 city commercial banks from 2011 to 2021,the paper conducts an empirical analysis and finds that carrying out green credit business will reduce the overall profit level of commercial banks,with a significant impact on city commercial banks and little effect on state-owned commercial banks and nationwide joint-stock commercial banks.The research shows that the development of green credit business has an impact on the overall performance of commercial banks,and the impact on performance varies among different types of commercial banks,even with hysteresis.To respond to the adjustment of green credit policies,this paper suggests that:the government should formulate relevant differentiated green credit incentive policies and strengthen regulatory enforcement,while banks should broaden their sources of funds,appropriately manage the duration of green credit,and increase efforts to attract talent.
作者 边俊杰 林鑫 Bian Junjie;Lin Xin(School of Economics and Management,Gannan Normal University,Ganzhou,Jiangxi,341000)
出处 《中国商论》 2024年第22期114-118,共5页 China Journal of Commerce
基金 江西省社会科学“十四五”(2021年)基金项目(21YJ08)。
关键词 商业银行 绿色信贷 金融机构 声誉效应 滞后性 commercial banks green credit financial institutions reputation effect hysteresis non-standardized business
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