

Vulnerability analysis of low-rise building envelopes based on typhoon process
摘要 我国沿海台风多发地区的低矮建筑围护结构风灾损失值得关注。基于台风过程研究了低矮建筑围护结构在风致内外压、飞掷物冲击、结构抗力等多因素影响下的易损性。针对典型低矮建筑场景建立了飞掷物冲击概率模型,可以有效考虑风向、风速、建筑高度和间距,以及飞掷物起飞位置等实际因素。研究结果表明:低矮建筑围护结构的台风风灾易损性分析中有必要考虑台风过程,极值风速相似的台风也可能造成较大差别的建筑损伤极值;建筑损伤极值发生时刻一般滞后于极值风速时刻,损伤极值的持续时间与台风时长有关。研究中建立的飞掷物冲击概率模型相较于传统模型对我国沿海地区典型低矮建筑场景更为适用。 The wind damage loss of low-rise building envelopes in the typhoon-prone areas of Chinese coastal areas is worthy of attention.Based on the typhoon process,the vulnerability of low-rise building envelopes against multiple factors such as wind-induced internal and external pressures,debris impact and structural resistance was investigated.A debris impact probability model was established for typical low-rise building scenarios,which can effectively consider practical factors such as the wind direction,the wind speed,the height and spacing of buildings as well as the take-off position of the debris.The results show that it is necessary to consider the typhoon process in the wind damage vulnerability analysis of low-rise building envelopes.Typhoons with similar extreme wind speeds may also cause large differences in extreme damage to buildings.The occurrence time of extreme damage generally lag behind the moment of extreme wind speed,and the duration of extreme damage is related to the duration of typhoon.Compared with the previous models,the debris impact probability model newly established is more applicable to the typical low-rise building scenarios in Chinese coastal areas.
作者 黄鹏 周华亮 蓝鑫玥 HUANG Peng;ZHOU Hualiang;LAN Xinyue(State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第22期1-9,共9页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金(52178500)。
关键词 风灾易损性 台风过程 低矮建筑 飞掷物冲击 wind disaster vulnerability typhoon process low-rise building debris impact
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