

Reflections on Some Propositions about the Relationship Between Knowledge and Competency
摘要 素养与核心素养是当下教育与课程话语中的热点,而知识在一定程度上成了素养的对立面。关于知识与素养的关系,有这样那样的命题。要澄清这些命题,首先要明了何为知识、何为素养。知识与素养是不同的,但又是交叠融合的,二者不是二元对立的。“化知识为素养”的命题有现实针对性,但其所预设的知识与素养之间的等级关系并不成立,知识转化为素养有可能的一面,也有不可能的一面。知识素养化所设定的主要路径,即知识运用,看似有理,实则存在着诸多漏洞。并不是所有知识都需要运用,都能得到运用。学校教育中的所谓知识运用基本上都是虚拟的,不是真正的知识运用。知识的情境化、纳入学生经验等素养化路径也是相对的、有限的。教育领域中知识学习最适当的方式不是运用,而是理解。素养概念是用来破解知识教学中存在的诸多问题的,不是用来否定知识本身的,这一概念本身也存在着尚未解决的问题。两个概念互相补益,达到均衡,才是理想的状态。 Competency and core competency are hot topics in current educational and curriculum discourse,and knowledge has become the opposite to competency.There are many propositions about the relationship between knowledge and competency.To clarify these propositions,it is important to understand what knowledge and competency are.Knowledge and competency are diffrent but overlapping and integrated,and they are not contrary.The proposition of transforming knowledge into competency is realistic,but the hierarchical relationship it implies between them is not solid and the transformation is both possible and impossible.The main path of the transformation or knowledge use,seems to be justified,but in fact there are many loopholes.Not all knowledge needs and can be used,and the socalled knowledge use in school education is basically virtual,not real.The paths of contextualizing knowledge and incorporating students'experience are also relative and limited.The most appropriate way to learn knowledge in the field of education is not to use but to understand it.The concept of competency is used to solve the problems of knowledge teaching instead of negating knowledge itself,which has its own unresolved problems.Ideally,the two concepts should complement and balance each other.
作者 高德胜 Gao Desheng
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第10期34-43,共10页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“我国基础教育课程改革根本问题的理论反思”(22JJD880025)。
关键词 知识 素养 知识素养化 知识运用 知识理解 knowledge competency transformation of knowledge into competency knowledge use knowledge understanding
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