

Practice and Exploration of Blended Teaching of Landscape Engineering Based on Flipped Classroom
摘要 “园林工程”是园林专业的核心课程,是一门综合性和实践性较强的课程。从政策层面和教学现状角度分析了现阶段“园林工程”教学改革的必要性,以苏州大学风景园林系的“园林工程”课程为例,聚焦课程改革关注的问题和目标,教学团队通过深入的课程教学探索,教学实践中采用了构建混合教学模式、改革课堂教学手段与方法、项目实训教学创新以及探索联合实践教学模式等改革措施,总结了课程改革的主要成效,并提出了反思与建议。 “Landscape Engineering”is the core course of landscape majors,and it is a comprehensive and practical course.This paper analyzes the necessity of teaching reform of Landscape Engineering at the present stage from the perspective of policy and teaching status.Taking the course of Landscape Engineering of the Department of Landscape Architecture of Soochow University as an example,and focusing on the issues and objectives of curriculum reform,the teaching team has carried out in-depth teaching exploration.In teaching practice,some reform measures are adopted,such as constructing mixed teaching mode,reforming classroom teaching means and methods,innovating project-based practical teaching and exploring joint practice teaching mode.The main effect of curriculum reform is summarized,and some reflection and suggestions are put forward.
作者 袁惠燕 徐红 王利芬 YUAN Hui-yan;XU Hong;WANG Li-fen(Gold Mantis School of Architecture,Soochow University,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215000,China;Suzhou Yuanke Ecological Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou,Jiangsu 215009,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2024年第41期86-89,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2022年度国家级一流本科专业建设点“风景园林”(5031501322) 2023年度苏州大学—苏州园科集团建筑与城市环境协同创新中心项目“城市健康评估系统的关键技术开发”(P113801222) 2023年度苏州市风景园林学会科研项目“基于生产性景观的可食地景设计与应用研究”(H220936) 2020年度苏州大学2020-3I工程混合式教学课程项目“园林工程”。
关键词 园林工程 翻转课堂 混合式教学 教学实践 Landscape Engineering flipped classroom blended teaching teaching practice
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