

Exploration and Practice on Curriculum Ideology and Politics of Circuit Course
摘要 为全面推进落实高等教育立德树人根本任务,针对军队院校的使命和特点,分析了专业基础课程的思想政治教学现状,明确了课程思政建设思路。以“电路”课程为例,在实际教学中对课程思政进行了积极的探索与实践,深入研究如何在“电路”课程教学过程中融入思政元素,潜移默化地开展思想政治教育,在传授专业知识的同时着重培养学员的家国情怀、个人品格以及科学思维,培养具有崇高理想信念的创新型军事人才,确保人才培养目标的较好实现。问卷调查结果表明该课程思政教学取得了较好的效果,值得借鉴。 In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of the fundamental task of higher education,this paper analyzes the current situation of ideological and political teaching of professional basic courses,and clarifies the ideas of ideological and political construction of the courses according to the mission and characteristics of military academies.Taking circuit course as an example,this paper does research in the actual teaching of course education,further studies how to integrate ideological and political elements into in the circuit course teaching process,focuses on cultivating students’feelings,personal character and scientific thinking in the professional knowledge,cultivates innovative military talents with lofty ideal faith,to achieve the talent training goal.The questionnaire survey shows that the ideological and political teaching of this course has achieved good results and is worth for reference.
作者 黄道敏 张成胜 彭赛阳 张黎 HUANG Dao-min;ZHANG Cheng-sheng;PENG Sai-yang;ZHANG Li(Department of Early Warning Technology,Air Force Early Warning College,Wuhan,Hubei 430019,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2024年第47期117-120,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2021年度空军预警学院教学课题“专业背景课课程思政教学体系构建与实践”(院教函[2021]177号)。
关键词 电路 课程思政 探索与实践 Circuit Course curriculum ideology and politics exploration and practice
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