

Optimization and Verification of the Closure Door Sound Quality of a Off-road Vehicle
摘要 越野车因功能与其他品类车型不同,而导致关门声品质有差异。文章以越野车关门声品质为出发点,介绍了两种评价方法,对某越野车进行主观评价和客观测试,对小波图进行分析,针对评价中提出的问题给出了改善密封条、在动刚度薄弱处增加丁基胶片、优化门锁设计等整改方案并进行验证。经过试验验证对比后发现,声品质有了明显改善,为日后解决相关问题提供了借鉴和参考思路,在工程和商业应用上有一定的价值。 The closure door sound quality of off-road vehicle is distinct from that of other vehicle categories due to specialized functions.This paper initiates with the examination of off-road vehicle closure door sound quality,introduces two assessment methodologies.The subjective appraisal and objective testing is employed on an off-road vehicle.Wavelet diagrams are analyzed to pinpoint the problems raised in the evaluation,the rectification schemes of improving the sealing strip,adding butyl rubber film in the weak place of dynamic stiffness,and optimizing the design of the door lock are given and verified.After the test verification and comparison,it is found that the sound quality has been significantly improved,which provides reference and reference ideas for solving related problems in the future,and has certain value in engineering and commercial applications.
作者 赵玉建 田国红 ZHAO Yujian;TIAN Guohong(School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering,Liaoning University of Technology,Jinzhou 121001,China)
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2024年第23期66-70,共5页 Automobile Applied Technology
关键词 声品质 越野车 响度 尖锐度 小波图 sound quality off-road vehicle loudness sharpness wavelet diagrams
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