
习近平总书记关于意识形态安全重要论述的实践要义 被引量:1

The practical significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on ideological security
摘要 中国特色社会主义进入新时代以来,随着“两个大局”相互交织、相互影响的程度加深加快,我国面临的意识形态安全风险日益明显,防范化解意识形态安全风险成为党和国家的重要任务。习近平总书记从“五位一体”总体布局的角度和总体国家安全观的高度对维护和巩固意识形态安全提出了一系列新思想、新论断和新策略。从贯彻落实习近平总书记关于意识形态安全重要论述精神的角度来看,积极稳妥推进政治体制改革,将国家制度优势转化为治理效能,增强中国特色社会主义制度自信,能够巩固意识形态安全的政治基础。推动公有制经济与非公有制经济的高质量发展,增强公有制经济的意识形态安全基础性保障作用和非公有制经济的意识形态安全维护性作用,能够夯实意识形态安全的经济基础。注重社会矛盾的有效解决,积极回应社会利益诉求,推动社会稳定发展,能够厚植意识形态安全的社会基础。坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,提高人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感,能够筑牢意识形态安全的民心基础。统筹国内大局与国际大局,讲好中国故事和树立良好的国际形象,与世界人民一道积极推动构建人类命运共同体,能够营造维护我国意识形态安全的国际环境。深刻理解习近平总书记关于意识形态安全重要论述的实践要义,对防范化解意识形态风险、维护意识形态安全有着重要的理论指引和实践指导意义。 Since the beginning of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the degree of interweaving and mutual influence of the“two overall situations”has deepened and accelerated,making the ideological security risks facing our country increasingly evident.Preventing and resolving these ideological security risks has become an important task for the Party and the state.General Secretary Xi Jinping has proposed a series of new ideas,judgments,and strategies for maintaining and consolidating ideological security from the perspective of the Five-sphere Integrated Plan and the overall national security concept.From the standpoint of implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse on ideological security,actively and steadily promoting political system reform,transforming the advantages of the national system into governance efficiency,and enhancing confidence in the socialist system with Chinese characteristics can solidify the political foundation for ideological security.Promoting the high-quality development of both the public and non-public economy,strengthening the foundational protective role of the public economy in ideological security and the maintenance role of the non-public economy can fortify the economic base for ideological security.Focusing on the effective resolution of social contradictions,actively responding to social interest demands,and promoting social stability and development can deepen the social foundation for ideological security.Adhering to the principle of ensuring and improving people’s livelihoods during development,enhancing the people’s sense of gain,happiness,and security can solidify the people’s foundation for ideological security.Coordinating the domestic and international overall situations,telling China’s stories well,and establishing a positive international image,while actively promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind together with the people of the world,can create an international environment conducive to maintaining our ideological security.A deep understanding of the practical significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourse on ideological security provides crucial theoretical guidance and practical direction for preventing and resolving ideological risks and maintaining ideological security.
作者 向立 蒋英州 XIANG Li;JIANG Yingzhou(The Party School of Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CPC,Chongqing 400041,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第6期1-11,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目:着力建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态(2023YBZJ59)。
关键词 意识形态风险 意识形态安全 “两个大局” 总体国家安全观 全面深化改革 ideological risk ideological security “two overall situations” a holistic approach to national security comprehensively deepen the reform
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