

Effects of Educational Assortative Mating on Parental Division of Childcare
摘要 育儿分工作为家庭生活的一个重要面向,不仅影响夫妻劳动参与、婚姻质量与儿童发展,对家庭生育决策也具有重要意义。随着教育扩张进程的推进,中国教育婚姻匹配模式逐渐发生改变,家庭生活中夫妻双方针对育儿分工的协商互动也随之变化。文章基于“中国教育追踪调查”(CEPS)2014~2015学年追踪数据,使用分数响应回归模型,考察了青少年家庭中父母的教育婚姻匹配模式对各类育儿活动分工安排的影响。研究发现:首先,父母教育婚姻匹配模式对照顾子女日常生活起居的分工安排影响较为有限,母亲的投入时间始终多于父亲。其次,辅导子女功课学习的分工安排受到父母教育婚姻匹配模式的显著影响,由受教育程度相对更高的一方主导,但双方受教育程度相同时,母亲会付出更多时间。最后,在男高女低的教育婚姻匹配模式下,父亲更可能与母亲共同参与陪同子女娱乐玩耍,但不会成为该项育儿活动的主要承担者。实证结果表明,父母育儿分工既包含基于相对受教育程度的理性考虑,也受到社会性别角色观念的影响,两种机制交互作用,在不同类型的育儿活动中塑造出不同的育儿分工安排。总体上看,母亲仍为育儿任务的主要承担者,父亲更可能以辅助者的角色参与育儿活动。基于此,研究从增强育儿的性别平等化观念、提供有针对性的育儿政策与服务等方面为促进家庭和谐发展与扭转低生育率提供建议。 As an important aspect of family life,division of childcare not only affects married couples'labor force par⁃ticipation,marital quality,and child development,but also has significant influences on childbearing decision-making.With the advancement of educational expansion,changes have occurred in China's educational assortative mating,lead⁃ing to transformations in the negotiation and interaction processes between spouses.Using data from the China Educa⁃tion Panel Survey(CEPS)in the 2014~2015 academic year,this study examines the associations between parents'ed⁃ucational assortative mating and the division of three childcare activities,including basic care,educational,and recre⁃ational activities.Results show that,firstly,mothers consistently play the primary role in basic care across all patterns of parents'educational assortative mating.Mothers'time is greater than that of fathers.Secondly,the division of educa⁃tional childcare activity is significantly affected by parents'educational assortative mating,with the one with a relative⁃ly higher education taking more responsibilities.However,in educational homogamous marriages,mothers devote more time than fathers.Thirdly,fathers in female hypergamous marriages are more likely to participate jointly with mothers in recreational childcare activity,but do not replace mothers'role as the primary caregiver.This study indicates that the division of childcare among parents of adolescents is shaped by the interaction between rational considerations based on parents'relative education and macro-level gender cultures.In general,mothers remain the primary caregivers,where⁃as fathers are more likely to take on the secondary role in childrearing.In light of these findings,this study proposes to foster harmonious families and address declining fertility rates by advancing gender equality cultures in childcare and offering targeted childrearing policies and services.
作者 刘锦含 朱美静 LIU Jin-han;ZHU Mei-jing(Department of Sociology and Anthropology,National University of Singapore,Singapore 117570,Singapore;School of Sociology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《西北人口》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期14-28,共15页 Northwest Population Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“教育“双减”政策对家庭教育阶层分化的影响研究”(项目编号:22YJC840047)。
关键词 教育婚姻匹配 育儿分工 性别角色观念 Educational Assortative Mating Division of Childcare Gender Role Norms
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